OK, after installing JSAS three times, I finally managed to get it to work. Joomla Server worked the first time, however...
...The challenge might have been the newer version of PHPMyAdmin. It is a little different than the one in Joomla Server. Once I saw what the sequence was, I was able to get the site up - sort of.
With JSAS, I did have to go into the content, menu items and such and reset the links to my machine, rather than the web address paths. I did have to do that in Joomla Server, but a whole lot less (all in JSAS, two in Joomla Server). It seems that Joomla Server changed most of the links for me. JASA didn't - maybe I didn't hold my mouth in the correct position.
Where as Joomla Server seemed easier to install (JSAS was easy too, but not AS easy).
Joomla Server has it's menu of features in the Taskbar (when running) and JSAS has some kind of interface.
JSAS allows you to set the virtual Drive (set to Y:). I didn't see that for Joomla Server (both default to W:) - it may exist, don't know yet.
JSAS has a Wizard-like feature that lets you create up to five Joomla sites from scratch. That is a great feature, especially for the novice user. I didn't see taht for Joomla server. I had to do that manually.
If I wanted to get up quickly, Joomla Server might be my choice. If I was a novice, starting to build a site from scratch, I might go with JSAS, but since the verdict is still out for me (both apps are stiil new to me), I will still try them both for a while.
Started with an error about not being able to find www/admin/redirect.html (its there)... I closed down the window and I can see that the Joomla icon is running in the taskbar.
Click on it and it gives me a blank page, same with the other programs.
Hhmm the first file is releated to a file on a drive called w:
I guess thats a virtual drive of some sort - is that something I should set up or?
Its not there thats for sure.
Also when the Joomla icons show in the taskbar, the blank pages im getting is related to "localhost" and apparently that is not showing either..
Apparently Skype was using port80 that some part of the install needed. I killed Skype and now its running fine and dandy
That nasty old Skype! Glad you got it working, Thomas. Yes, I see the W: drive. Apperently Virtual Drives use the last few letters ofthe alphabet. Let me know what you think.
Most fun part is to see how fast Joomla runs localy - an internet connection with that speed, would def. be sweet
20mbit lines are now available in my city, perhaps that will make the gab smaller, right now Im using a 4mbit line...