I'm using the Terran Tribune template. I uploaded the template (with out the rocket launcher) the template installed ok. I tried to upload the extension and source zip files, and it won't let me. I went to the global config page and allowed ftp....same thing, won't load. I keep getting the same error message. I'm stumped.
Unzip first terrantribune-extensions.zip. You will get two archives: mod_rokmininewsj15_1.5.3.zip and mod_roknewsrotator_j15_1.0.
Install these modules, one after the other.
The source zip files contains the images needed to edit the logo, colors, etc. in Fireworks. It's not something you load with the installer, but ftp the changed slices. An example would be the logo editing:
Ok, Yves that worked. I loaded the extensions. I see the source files that I can't upload either are template and logo images. You wouldn't happen to know where I could get that clock in the template from. It didn't load with the other stuff. But really Thanks alot.