No bike alas......although I would love the thrill. Snow bike would be a waste of time here in Australia, alas!
Here are the trustiest of my steads:
Nissan 350z - sleek black(very girlie thing to say, I know!), v fast, excelleration makes my tummy tingle, awesome for racing, especially when there are no cops around, track days a hoot! She's a beauty. Drifting is mighty fine. Sorry no boyish stats on this one, she goes, and she goes fast, thats all I care!
Kart - my weekend toy when I get a chance to get away from this computer! Great way to chillout. Guys hate being beaten by girls, that makes it even more fun! Travelling at 125kms with your bum 2 inches off the ground is great fun ;D Awesome workout too! By the way I do the mechanicing for it too
Thanks! He is my pride and joy... I love him at least as much as my car! ;D
Nice car and dog!
Was the first pic photoshopped or something? It's like it has an image superimposed on the car mirror?
The member formerly known as Roland Deschain After your question is solved, please Edit your original post and choose the Solved message icon, thank you!
I am not familiar with a blind spot mirror, but hey... now I am!
The member formerly known as Roland Deschain After your question is solved, please Edit your original post and choose the Solved message icon, thank you!