Joomsuite has released an official statement:
Taken directly from their site:Official statement regading site been hacked
Monday, 06 July 2009
The site was recently hacked. There is however no need for concern: You can still trust to our components.
Here is what we found in our investigation:
Here is the complete story:
Approximately 5-6 month ago I found strange code in the Joomla authorization plugin that sent login data of everyone who logs into the backend (ONLY BACKEND NOT FRONTEND).
From our investigation we found out that a hacker came in through Joomla 1.5.8. The security release 1.5.10 was out but we did not update the same day.
I deleted the code, updated all the files, found a few backdoor scripts and deleted them and wrote to the email adress of the person who was trying to blackmail us.
That was PS (Persian Service). This person was blackmailing us and threatened to destroy our site if we would not provide him with the source code of all our components.
This was one of the reason that we changed our server, moving to more secure one.
Then we moved to the new server, on the new server we logically so installed new files. We did not copy any old files or folders.
However, the affiliate manager JAM we copied it as is. There in the backups folder was an old backdoor script which had been there all the time from the old server.
The hack came from there because the backups folder had permissions set to 777 access.
After an examination of our logs we found that PS started accessesing that backdoor on July the second. PS had never done that before the 2nd of July on the new server.
Using this backdoor PS read the configuration.php file and that provided him with FTP access. Then he changed our index.php.
All necessary steps to protect our server have now been taken. Nothing was done or has been done to our components.
Unfortunately PS stated in an email that he has obtained our customer Database. We are not sure what he means, either he has accessed our DB or he made a copy. However, the only valuable information in there are our customer’s their emails and nothing else!
For that we humbly apologize, that this information got in hacker’s hand.
And do not forget to block IP, or block Iran totally as we did.