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It will grab the title from SoundCloud and use that as your title for the post. You can also add any other text as you see fit. The body of the post is given an embedded SoundCloud player linked directly to your file.
Wordpress Articles /blog/reviews/121-ifttt-recipes-for-wordpress-usersSuffix Support IE7 Redirect Page Technical Requirements and Support Gantry 4 Framework FF, Safari, Chrome, Opera, IE8+ HTML5, CSS3, LESS PHP 5.2.17+ (5.3+ recommended) WordPress 5.x Support WordPress 4.x RocketLauncher Adobe Fireworks PNG Sources RokSprocket RokSprocket is a revolutionary plugin
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Wordpress Products /component/rokface/alerionThe selection of four title and four box styles add individual flair to the modules, perfectly integrated into the template's design.
Joomla Products /component/rokface/praxisYou can reload the suspended tabs with a click, and a list of suspended tabs is kept, complete with favicon and the page title. The Great Suspender can also be found on GitHub if you want to take a look at the source code, and/or contribute to the project.
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Joomla Products /joomla/extensions/rokcandyIt is an excellent platform of choice for a wide variety of sites from complex corporate sites to simple, one-page profiles. Don't Be Afraid of the Learning Curve Joomla is very different from just about any other comparable CMS out there.
Joomla Wordpress Articles /blog/joomla/138-five-tips-to-help-you-get-started-with-joomlaBelow is an example from Chapelco: LESS (Compiled) Files As an example, in the CSS pane screenshotted below, the #rt-logo CSS is being generated from a master-#.css file on line 1. This file has been compiled by LESS and compresses the entire code onto 1 line to improve performance.
Joomla Articles /blog/coding/32-basics-debugging-customizing-with-less-cssAs this is a few days later than we traditionally release our Joomla template we have given an Extra 5 days of access to every current Joomla Club member.
Joomla Articles /blog/joomla/62-roksprocket-march-joomla-template-release