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Showing 61 - 630 results of 100 total hits (0.007 seconds)
Score 26.4

Orion: Testimonials Particle

Start From Enter offset specifying the first article to return. The default is '0' (the first article). Order By Choose the type of factor to order by. Ordering Direction Choose between Ascending and Descending as the article ordering method.

Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/orion/particle_testimonials.md
Score 26.0

Lexicon: Recreate the Demo

CMS Page Link About Us Slot #1 sub-menu Items Blank Slot #2 CMS Page Link Privacy Policy Slot #2 sub-menu Items enable-cookies Include Contact Link Yes TOP MENU ANIMATION SETTINGS mm_slidedownspeed: 100,mm_fadeoutspeed: 50,mm_css_pre: {left: 100, opacity: 0 },mm_animatein

Magento Documentation /docs/magento/themes/lexicon/demo.md
Score 26.0

Kraken: Recreating the Demo - Pricing Page

) Particle Settings Field Setting Particle Name Social CSS Classes social Title Blank Social Item 1 Name Facebook Social Item 1 Text Blank Social Item 1 Link http://www.facebook.com/RocketTheme Social Item 1 Target New Window Block Settings

Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/kraken/pricing.md
Score 25.6

Horizon: Testimonials Particle

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Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/templates/horizon/particle_testimonials.md
Score 25.6

Notio: News Tabs Particle

Start From Enter offset specifying the first article to return. The default is '0' (the first article). Order By Choose the type of factor to order by. Ordering Direction Choose between Ascending and Descending as the article ordering method.

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/templates/notio/particle_newstabs.md
Score 25.6

Calla: Slideshow Particle

Start From Enter offset specifying the first post to return. The default is '0' (the first post). Order By Choose the type of factor to order by. Ordering Direction Choose between Ascending and Descending as the post ordering method.

Grav Documentation /docs/grav/themes/calla/particle_slideshow.md
Score 25.6

Clarity: Testimonials Particle

Start From Enter offset specifying the first page to return. The default is '0' (the first page). Order By Choose the type of factor to order by. Ordering Direction Choose between Ascending and Descending as the page ordering method.

Grav Documentation /docs/grav/themes/clarity/particle_testimonials.md
Score 25.6

Elixir: Latest Blogs Particle

Start From Enter offset specifying the first page to return. The default is '0' (the first page). Order By Choose the type of factor to order by. Ordering Direction Choose between Ascending and Descending as the page ordering method.

Grav Documentation /docs/grav/themes/elixir/particle_latestblogs.md
Score 25.6

Koleti: Slideshow Particle

Start From Enter offset specifying the first article to return. The default is '0' (the first article). Order By Choose the type of factor to order by. Ordering Direction Choose between Ascending and Descending as the article ordering method.

Grav Documentation /docs/grav/themes/koleti/particle_slideshow.md
Score 25.6

Notio: News Tabs Particle

Start From Enter offset specifying the first article to return. The default is '0' (the first article). Pagination Hide or Show pagination. Order By Choose the type of factor to order by.

Grav Documentation /docs/grav/themes/notio/particle_newstabs.md