The Pricing example page demonstrates how you can create a beautiful page with the Kraken theme. Here is some information to help you replicate this page as it appears in the demo.
Particles and Particles
Below is a brief rundown of the widgets and particles used to make up the demo page.

Showcase - Custom HTML (Particle)
Feature - Custom HTML (Particle)
Extension - Custom HTML (Particle)
Bottom - Custom HTML (Particle)
Footer - Custom HTML (Particle)
Footer - Custom HTML (Particle)
Footer - Custom HTML (Particle)
- Showcase
- Feature
- Mainbar
- Extension
- Bottom
- Footer
Showcase Section

This area of the page is a Custom HTML particle. You will find the settings used in our demo below.
Custom HTML (Particle)
Particle Settings
Field |
Setting |
Particle Name |
Custom HTML |
Process Shortcodes |
Unchecked |
Custom HTML
<div class="g-layercontent g-layercontent-small">
<h2 class="g-layercontent-title">Awesome Plans</h2>
<div class="g-layercontent-subtitle">Choose the Plan that Suits Your Needs</div>
Block Settings
Option |
Setting |
Blank |
CSS Classes |
flush center
Variations |
Blank |
Tag Attributes |
Blank |
Fixed Size |
Unchecked |
Block Size |
100% |
Feature Section

This area of the page is a Custom HTML particle. You will find the settings used in our demo below.
Custom HTML (Particle)
Particle Settings
Field |
Setting |
Particle Name |
Custom HTML |
Process Shortcodes |
Unchecked |
Custom HTML
<div class="g-grid">
<div class="g-block size-33-3">
<div class="g-content">
<ul class="g-pricingtable">
<li class="g-pricingtable-title">Basic
<li class="g-pricingtable-price">$28
<li class="g-pricingtable-desc">Globally incubate standards compliant channels
<li class="g-pricingtable-item">5GB Storage
<li class="g-pricingtable-item">10 Users
<li class="g-pricingtable-item">20 Emails
<li class="g-pricingtable-item">Online Store
<li class="g-pricingtable-item">Custom Domain
<li class="g-pricingtable-item">Unlimited Departments
<li class="g-pricingtable-cta">
<a class="button button-3" href="">Sign Up</a>
<div class="g-block size-33-3">
<div class="g-content">
<ul class="g-pricingtable">
<li class="g-pricingtable-title">Standard
<li class="g-pricingtable-price">$58
<li class="g-pricingtable-desc">Globally incubate standards compliant channels
<li class="g-pricingtable-item">5GB Storage
<li class="g-pricingtable-item">10 Users
<li class="g-pricingtable-item">20 Emails
<li class="g-pricingtable-item">Online Store
<li class="g-pricingtable-item">Custom Domain
<li class="g-pricingtable-item">Unlimited Departments
<li class="g-pricingtable-cta">
<a class="button button-3" href="">Sign Up</a>
<div class="g-block size-33-3">
<div class="g-content">
<ul class="g-pricingtable">
<li class="g-pricingtable-title">Pro
<li class="g-pricingtable-price">$88
<li class="g-pricingtable-desc">Globally incubate standards compliant channels
<li class="g-pricingtable-item">5GB Storage
<li class="g-pricingtable-item">10 Users
<li class="g-pricingtable-item">20 Emails
<li class="g-pricingtable-item">Online Store
<li class="g-pricingtable-item">Custom Domain
<li class="g-pricingtable-item">Unlimited Departments
<li class="g-pricingtable-cta">
<a class="button button-3" href="">Sign Up</a>
Block Settings
Option |
Setting |
Blank |
CSS Classes |
Blank |
Variations |
Blank |
Tag Attributes |
Blank |
Fixed Size |
Unchecked |
Block Size |
100% |
Mainbar Section

The Mainbar section includes the Pricing post, displayed through the Page Content particle. Here are the settings found in the Pricing post.
Option |
Setting |
Title |
Pricing |
Alias |
pricing |
Status |
Published |
Featured |
No |
Category |
Sample Pages |
Content Body
<div class="g-block size-100">
<div class="g-content">
<h2 class="g-title">
Try it Out for 10 Days Free
<li>All plans come with awesome support by email and phone. There is no hidden fee!
<li>Free <strong>10 days trial</strong> on all plans. No credit card needed! Need a bigger plan? <a href="">View Professional Plan</a>.
Extension Section

This area of the page is a Custom HTML particle. You will find the settings used in our demo below.
Custom HTML (Particle)
Particle Settings
Field |
Setting |
Particle Name |
Custom HTML |
Process Shortcodes |
Unchecked |
Custom HTML
<div class="g-grid">
<div class="g-block size-50">
<div class="g-content">
<h2 class="g-title">
Common Queries and Questions
<div class="g-infolist">
<div class="g-infolist-item">
<div class="g-infolist-item-text">
<div class="g-infolist-item-title">
<a href="#">1. What prices are our services?</a>
<div class="g-infolist-item-desc">
Proactively envisioned multimedia based expertise and cross-media growth strategies. Seamlessly visualize quality intellectual capital without superior collaboration and idea-sharing.
<div class="g-infolist-item">
<div class="g-infolist-item-text">
<div class="g-infolist-item-title">
<a href="#">2. What is our refund policy?</a>
<div class="g-infolist-item-desc">
Proactively envisioned multimedia based expertise and cross-media growth strategies. Seamlessly visualize quality intellectual capital without superior collaboration and idea-sharing.
<div class="g-infolist-item">
<div class="g-infolist-item-text">
<div class="g-infolist-item-title">
<a href="#">3. What payments methods do we accept?</a>
<div class="g-infolist-item-desc">
Proactively envisioned multimedia based expertise and cross-media growth strategies. Seamlessly visualize quality intellectual capital without superior collaboration and idea-sharing.
<div class="g-block size-50">
<div class="g-content">
<h2 class="g-title">
<span class="hidden-phone"> </span><span class="visible-phone">More Common Queries and Questions</span>
<div class="g-infolist">
<div class="g-infolist-item">
<div class="g-infolist-item-text">
<div class="g-infolist-item-title">
<a href="#">4. What delivery options do we offer?</a>
<div class="g-infolist-item-desc">
Proactively envisioned multimedia based expertise and cross-media growth strategies. Seamlessly visualize quality intellectual capital without superior collaboration and idea-sharing.
<div class="g-infolist-item">
<div class="g-infolist-item-text">
<div class="g-infolist-item-title">
<a href="#">5. What support options are available?</a>
<div class="g-infolist-item-desc">
Proactively envisioned multimedia based expertise and cross-media growth strategies. Seamlessly visualize quality intellectual capital without superior collaboration and idea-sharing.
<div class="g-infolist-item">
<div class="g-infolist-item-text">
<div class="g-infolist-item-title">
<a href="#">6. What additional services are available?</a>
<div class="g-infolist-item-desc">
Proactively envisioned multimedia based expertise and cross-media growth strategies. Seamlessly visualize quality intellectual capital without superior collaboration and idea-sharing.
Block Settings
Option |
Setting |
Blank |
CSS Classes |
Blank |
Variations |
Blank |
Tag Attributes |
Blank |
Fixed Size |
Unchecked |
Block Size |
100% |
Bottom Section

This area of the page is a Custom HTML particle. You will find the settings used in our demo below.
Custom HTML (Particle)
Particle Settings
Field |
Setting |
Particle Name |
Custom HTML |
Process Shortcodes |
Unchecked |
Custom HTML
<div class="g-layercontent">
<h2 class="g-layercontent-title">No Hidden Fees</h2>
<div class="g-layercontent-subtitle">No Credit Card Required and No Long-Term Contracts</div>
<a href="" class="button button-2">Sign Up</a>
Block Settings
Option |
Setting |
Blank |
CSS Classes |
flush center
Variations |
Blank |
Tag Attributes |
Blank |
Fixed Size |
Unchecked |
Block Size |
100% |
Footer Section

Horizontal Menu (Particle)
This area of the page is made up of three particles.
Logo (Particle)
Particle Settings
Field |
Setting |
Particle Name |
Logo |
Blank |
Rel |
Blank |
Image |
Custom |
Alt |
Kraken |
Text |
Kraken |
CSS Classes |
g-loto g-logo-alt
Block Settings
Option |
Setting |
Blank |
CSS Classes |
Blank |
Variations |
Blank |
Tag Attributes |
Blank |
Fixed Size |
Unchecked |
Block Size |
25% |
Horizontal Menu (Particle)
Particle Settings
Field |
Setting |
Particle Name |
Horizontal Menu |
CSS Classes |
Blank |
Target |
New Window |
Menu Item 1 Name |
Gantry |
Menu Item 1 Text |
Gantry |
Menu ITem 1 Link | |
Block Settings
Option |
Setting |
Blank |
CSS Classes |
g-horizontalmenu-block |
Variations |
Center |
Tag Attributes |
Blank |
Fixed Size |
Unchecked |
Block Size |
50% |
Social (Particle)
Particle Settings
Field |
Setting |
Particle Name |
Social |
CSS Classes |
social |
Title |
Blank |
Social Item 1 Name |
Facebook |
Social Item 1 Text |
Blank |
Social Item 1 Link | |
Social Item 1 Target |
New Window |
Block Settings
Option |
Setting |
Blank |
CSS Classes |
Blank |
Variations |
Blank |
Tag Attributes |
Blank |
Fixed Size |
Unchecked |
Block Size |
25% |