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Score 71.9

How to Reindex Data in Magento

You can reindex data for individual indexes by clicking the orange Reindex Data link on the right-hand side of the index, or by selecting the index(es) using the checkbox to the left and clicking Submit on the Reindex Data option on the upper-right area of the list.

Magento Documentation /docs/magento/basic/indexing.md
Score 54.8

How to use

This is how you would achieve it: <a data-rokbox data-rokbox-album="My Product" data-rokbox-caption="Product Front View" href="/images/product1.jpg">Product 1</a> <a data-rokbox data-rokbox-album="My Product" data-rokbox-caption="Product Side View" href="/images/product2.jpg">Product

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/extensions/rokbox/how_to_use.md
Score 54.8

How to use

This is how you would achieve it: <a data-rokbox data-rokbox-album="My Product" data-rokbox-caption="Product Front View" href="http://(Your Site URL).com/images/product1.jpg">Product 1</a> <a data-rokbox data-rokbox-album="My Product" data-rokbox-caption="Product Side View" href="/http

Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/plugins/rokbox/how_to_use.md
Score 53.9

Nuance: Recreating the Demo - FP Extension B

data-rokbox-album="Nuance Gallery" data-rokbox-caption="RokBox, a fully responsive modal &quot;pop-up&quot; plugin" href="/images/rocketlauncher/home/fp-extension/img-01.jpg"> <img src="/images/rocketlauncher/home/fp-extension/img-01.jpg" /> <

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/templates/nuance/demo_module_10.md
Score 53.8

Audacity: Recreating the Demo - FP Bottom C

data-rokbox-caption="Arifin Finly - Developer" data-rokbox-album="Audacity Gallery"> <img alt="RokBox Image" src="/images/rocketlauncher/home/fp-bottom/img-01_thumb.jpg" /><span class="rt-img-overlay"><span><i class="fa fa-search"></i></span

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/templates/g4audacity/demo_module_12.md
Score 53.0

Nuance: Recreating the Demo - Extension

Extension Section Here is the widget breakdown for the Extension section: Text Gantry Divider Text Text 1 This section of the page is a standard text widget. You will need to enter the following in the main text field.

Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/nuance/demo_extension.md
Score 52.5

Xenon: Chartist Particle

Labels Data Here, you will enter the data that appears at the bottom of the chart. Series Data Here, you can insert one or more series of numbers to create the vertical values of the chart. Separate each item with comma. For Labels Data, each item should be wrapped with single quote.

Grav Documentation /docs/grav/themes/xenon/particle_chartist.md
Score 52.5

Kraken: Chartist Particle

Labels Data Here, you will enter the data that appears at the bottom of the chart. Series Data Here, you can insert one or more series of numbers to create the vertical values of the chart. Separate each item with comma. For Labels Data, each item should be wrapped with single quote.

Grav Documentation /docs/grav/themes/kraken/particle_chartist.md
Score 52.5

Kraken: Chartist Particle

Labels Data Here, you will enter the data that appears at the bottom of the chart. Series Data Here, you can insert one or more series of numbers to create the vertical values of the chart. Separate each item with comma. For Labels Data, each item should be wrapped with single quote.

Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/kraken/particle_chartist.md
Score 52.4

Ethereal: Recreating the Demo - Clients Page

/img-05.jpg"></a> </div> <div class="g-imagegrid-item"> <a data-rokbox-caption="Client 6" data-rokbox-album="Clients" data-rokbox="" href="/images/rocketlauncher/pages/clients/img-06.jpg" class="g-imagegrid-link"><img alt="Client 6" src="/images

Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/ethereal/clients.md