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Showing 61 - 1039 results of 100 total hits (0.009 seconds)
Score 39.6

Phoenix: Latest News Particle

Date Choose between showing the Published or Modified date. You can also Hide the date. Date Format Select the format you want the date to display in. Title Choose to Show or Hide the post's title.

Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/phoenix/particle_latestnews.md
Score 39.6

Fluent: News Slider Particle

Date Enter a date that displays with the item here. Date Format Set the format by which the date is displayed in the item. Link Enter a URL you would like the item to link to. Category Name Enter a name to display as a category for the item.

Grav Documentation /docs/grav/themes/fluent/particle_newsslider.md
Score 39.3

Orion: Latest News Particle

Date Choose which date (if any) to show with each item. Date Format Select the preferred date format for display. Title Choose whether or not the title of an post should be shown. Title Limit Set a character limit for titles. Link Show or Hide the link.

Grav Documentation /docs/grav/themes/orion/particle_latestnews.md
Score 39.3

Fluent: News Slider Particle

Date Enter a date that displays with the item here. Date Format Set the format by which the date is displayed in the item. Link Enter a URL you would like the item to link to. Category Name Enter a name to display as a category for the item.

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/templates/fluent/particle_newsslider.md
Score 39.3

Horizon: Latest News Particle

Date Choose which date (if any) to show with each item. Date Format Select the preferred date format for display. Title Choose whether or not the title of an post should be shown. Title Limit Set a character limit for titles. Link Show or Hide the link.

Grav Documentation /docs/grav/themes/horizon/particle_latestnews.md
Score 39.3

Fluent: News Slider Particle

Date Enter a date that displays with the item here. Date Format Set the format by which the date is displayed in the item. Link Enter a URL you would like the item to link to. Category Name Enter a name to display as a category for the item.

Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/fluent/particle_newsslider.md
Score 39.3

Horizon: Latest News Particle

Date Choose which date (if any) to show with each item. Date Format Select the preferred date format for display. Title Choose whether or not the title of an post should be shown. Title Limit Set a character limit for titles. Link Show or Hide the link.

Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/horizon/particle_latestnews.md
Score 39.3

Orion: Latest News Particle

Date Choose which date (if any) to show with each item. Date Format Select the preferred date format for display. Title Choose whether or not the title of an post should be shown. Title Limit Set a character limit for titles. Link Show or Hide the link.

Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/orion/particle_latestnews.md
Score 39.0

Ambrosia: Calendar Particle

Begin Date Select the starting date of the event. End Date Select the ending date of the event. Description Enter the description of the event. Event Link Add a URL that the event will link to so visitors can find out more information.

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/templates/ambrosia/particle_calendar.md
Score 39.0

Audacity: Calendar Particle

Begin Date Select the starting date of the event. End Date Select the ending date of the event. Description Enter the description of the event. Event Link Add a URL that the event will link to so visitors can find out more information.

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/templates/audacity/particle_calendar.md