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Many of its features and functionality have been integrated into RokSprocket. Gantry Divider This widget tells WordPress to start a new widget column beginning with the widget placed directly below the divider in the section.
Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/modulus/demo_maintop.mdWhat extensions are integrated with the template? A few of our RocketTheme extensions have been given individual styling by the template, these are RokNewsPager, RokNavMenu, RokBox, RokCandy, and RokGZipper.
Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/templates/mercado/faq.mdKey Features Joomla 3.x Compatible Responsive Layout 6 Preset Styles QuickNav & Floating Module Parallax Background 76 Module Positions 10 Styled & Numerous Structural Module Suffixes RokSprocket Responsive Layout Integrated Styled Support for Responsive K2 Layout Powerful Gantry 4 Framework
Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/templates/alerion/Integrated styling is available for RokSprocket in all its layout modes, providing a rich stylistic platform to construct a dynamic and engaging site. Standard Gantry and template features also apply, such as Fusion with MegaMenu. NOTICE: Graffito is a Joomla 3.x Template.
Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/templates/graffito/Numerous design features are also included such as RokSprocket integrated styling for its various layout modes. NOTICE: Lumiere is a Joomla 3.x Template.
Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/templates/lumiere/lt;span class="title">RokGallery Enhanced <span>Theme Settings</span></span></p> <p class="description"><span>Change the preset <strong>background</strong> image with ease, via an interactive <strong>background picker</strong> parameter, integrated
Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/radiance/demo_feature.md<ul class="menu"> <li class="item-189"><span class="separator">theme Features</span> </li><li class="item-190"><span class="separator">Integrated Extensions</span> </li><li class="item-191"><span class="separator">Preset Styles</span
Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/ximenia/demo_bottom.mdSet the Box Variation field to Box 1. Leaving everything else at its default setting, select Save. The widget should now be created and ready for use on the front page of your WordPress site.
Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/alerion/demo_sidebar.mdSite content is added by way of an integrated text editor and can be arranged using a series of click-and-drag widget placement operations.
Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/start/Details Option Setting Title FP RokSprocket - Lists Show Title Hide Access Public Position sidebar-a Status Published Content Provider Joomla Type Lists Layout Options Option Setting Theme Default Display Limit 6 Collapsible
Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/templates/corvus/demo_module_5.md