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Requirements for running Google AdSense with WordPress A WordPress website A Google account An approved AdSense account AdSense approved/verified website Integration of the site with AdSense services Setting it up: 1.
Wordpress Articles /blog/wordpress/273-how-to-add-google-adsense-to-wordpressStep 5: Payment The final step to setting up an account involves choosing a payment method. Payouts can be done by way of a mailed check, or via direct deposit.
RocketTheme Documentation /docs/accounts_billing/affiliates.mdThese hosts depend on low-traffic sites and a large chunk (if not all) of the ad revenue generated by banners and other hosted advertising placed alongside your content.
Wordpress Joomla Documentation /docs/technical_tips/blogging/best_platform_for_blogging.mdSome CC images are restricted to personal use only (non-commercial), meaning that you could be in legal trouble if you use them on a site that makes income, even if only by advertising revenue.
RocketTheme Articles /blog/design/78-how-to-find-quality-images-for-your-sitePer-Sale Return Cons Results Dependant Income (No Sales = No Money) Slow Payment Turnaround (30+ Days) Income Doesn't Account for Indirect Sales and General Exposure Browser Cookies and Click Tracking Often Required Turn Your Content into a Product Plenty of content-driven sites make additional revenue
RocketTheme Articles /blog/team/126-five-ways-to-monetize-your-content