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Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/kinetic/demo_posts.mdBottom Section Here is the widget breakdown for the Bottom section: Text Gantry Divider Text Gantry Divider Text Text 1 This section of the page is a standard text widget. You will need to enter the following in the main text field.
Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/tachyon/demo_bottom.mdEnter Gantry Framework: Power at your Fingertips in the Title field. Set the Title Variation to Title 1. Set the Margin Variation to No Margin Bottom. Set the Padding Variation to No Padding Bottom. Leaving everything else at its default setting, select Save.
Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/visage/demo_bottom.mdGantry Framework: Power at your Fingertips This area of the front page is a series of three mod_custom modules. You will find the settings used in our demo below. In this example, we're focusing on the first module in this set, Gantry Framework: Power at your Fingertips.
Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/templates/visage/demo_module_8.mdLog in to the WordPress administrative dashboard at http://www.yoursite.com/wp-admin/ Select the Mercado Settings sidebar tab on the left of the dashboard. For more information visit our Gantry documentation on the settings menu. How do I change the logo?
Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/mercado/faq.mdBottom Section Here is the widget breakdown for the Bottom section: Text Gantry Divider Text Gantry Divider Text Text 1 This section of the page is a standard text widget. You will need to enter the following in the main text field.
Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/hybrid/demo_bottom.md<div class="gantry-row"> <div class="gantry-width-container"> <div class="gantry-width-50"> <div class="gantry-width-spacer"> <div class="rt-image-promo"> <div class="rt-image-overlay">
Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/sirocco/demo_mainbottom.mdShowcase Section Text 1 [20%, 6%, se] Text 2 [20%, 65%, se] Text 3 [20%, 6%, se] Text 4 [20%, 65%, se] The Showcase section actually includes two separately-displayed panels that are switched with a scroller mechanism.
Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/paradox/demo_showcase.mdFeature Section Text 1 [15%, 5%, se] Text 2 [15%, 48%, se] Here is the widget breakdown for the Feature section: Text Gantry Divider Text Text 1 This section of the page is a standard text widget. You will need to enter the following in the main text field.
Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/g4myriad/demo_feature.md<div class="gantry-width-70 gantry-width-block"> <div class="gantry-width-spacer"> <p class="rt-image"> <img class="fp-img-light rt-noborder" src="http://demo.rockettheme.com/wordpress-themes/wp_lumiere/wp-content/rockettheme/rt_lumiere_wp/frontpage/bottom/img-light.jpg
Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/lumiere/demo_bottom.md