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Showing 1 - 39 results of 100 total hits (0.004 seconds)
Score 75.8

Tachyon: Recreating the Demo - 3rd Party Integration

<a href="http://www.jomsocial.com/buy-now.html?

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/templates/tachyon/demo_module_4.md
Score 70.0

Lexicon: Recreating the Demo - FP RokSprocket Tabs - Showcase

Item 1 Option Setting Label Contemporary Icon Relative Link to Image Link None Description <img alt="image" class="sprocket-tabs-image" src= "images/rocketlauncher/home/fp-roksprocket-tabs-showcase/img-01.jpg"> <span class="sprocket-tabs-desc rt-center"><

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/templates/g4lexicon/demo_module_1.md
Score 68.7

Chimera: Recreating the Demo - FP Extension B

hidden-tablet"> <i class="fa fa-puzzle-piece"></i> </span> <h3><strong><span class="hidden-tablet">Link up multiple memberships</span><span class="visible-tablet">Multiple packages</span></strong></h3> <p>Buy

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/templates/g4chimera/demo_module_11.md
Score 60.7

Lexicon: Recreating the Demo - Showcase

Option Setting Theme Default Display Limit ∞ Tabs Position Left Animation Fade Autoplay Disable Autoplay Delay 5 Image Resize Disable Preview Length ∞ Strip HTML Tags No You can set the RokSprocket filters to include any category, specific

Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/g4lexicon/demo_showcase.md
Score 58.7

Osmosis: Recreating the Demo - FP Footer C

option=com_content&amp;view=article&amp;id=1&amp;Itemid=111">Features</a></h5> <h5 class="medmarginall"><a href="/search?</p>%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20<span_class="search-url breakword"> Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/templates/osmosis/demo_module_9.md

Score 52.1

Product Comparisons

Template Template Catalog Entire Platform Catalog (3-12 months) Template Only (lifetime*) Support/Forums Full Access to Club Forums (3-12 months) Template and Extensions Only (lifetime*) Extensions Club Complementary (3-12 months) Complementary (lifetime*) Site Licenses 1-

Joomla Documentation /docs/accounts_billing/comparisons.md
Score 52.1

Chimera: Recreating the Demo - Extension

Simple Item Example Option Setting Title Free Description None Image None Feature 1 <strong>Limited</strong> Access Feature 2 X Feature 3 X Feature 4 X Link # Link Text Sign Up Price <span class="sprocket-tables-price-amount

Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/g4chimera/demo_extension.md
Score 49.3

Osmosis: Recreating the Demo - Footer

Set the Widget Variations to Box 1. Enter fp-footer-a rt-text-small in the Custom Variations field. Leaving everything else at its default setting, select Save.

Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/osmosis/demo_footer.md
Score 44.5

RocketTheme Purchasing Guide

For the Password, we recommend choosing one with at least the following: 6+ Characters 1+ Digits 1+ Special Characters (!@#$%^&*) 1+ Upper-case Letters 1+ Lower-case Letters You will also want to enter an email address you can check quickly in order to verify the account.

RocketTheme Documentation /docs/accounts_billing/purchase.md
Score 44.5

Attracting Customers to Your E-commerce Site

The other 20% of your posts can be shameless plugs targeted at bringing your existing customers back to buy more product. By doing this, you reduce the amount of perceived spam you put out there while keeping your site on the forefront of your customer's minds.

RocketTheme Documentation /docs/technical_tips/ecommerce/build_an_audience_for_ecommerce.md