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Score 80.8

Salient: Recreating the Demo - Footer / Footside Sections

You will find the particle settings used in this particle below: Particle Settings Option Setting CSS Classes g-contact-compact Title Blank Contact Item 1 Name 23 Salient Road Contact Item 1 Icon Blank Contact Item 1 Value 23 Salient Road Map Position

Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/salient/demo_footer.md
Score 77.4

Sirocco: Recreating the Demo - FP Footer A

/">http://picography.co/photos/long-road-ahead/</a></li> <li><a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Sagan_Viking.jpg">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Sagan_Viking.jpg</a></li> <li><a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/templates/sirocco/demo_module_11.md
Score 74.2

Alerion: Recreating the Demo - Location Detail

[eventlocation no="2" name="/<span class="hidden-tablet">TECHNO</span>EVENT" place1="East 27 Street and Campus Road," place2="Brooklyn, NY 11210" date1="Mon<span class="hidden-tablet">day</span>, April 1, 2013 at 1:00 PM" date2="Tue<span class="hidden-tablet">sday</span

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/templates/alerion/demo_module_7.md
Score 71.3

Salient: Recreating the Demo - Footer / Footside Sections

You will find the particle settings used in this particle below: Particle Settings Option Setting CSS Classes g-contact-compact Title Blank Contact Item 1 Name 23 Salient Road Contact Item 1 Icon Blank Contact Item 1 Value 23 Salient Road Map Position

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/templates/salient/demo_footer.md
Score 70.0

Elixir: Location Pins Particle

Example: 3608 Oakmound Road. Phone Add a phone number for your busines. Example: 773-248-4838 Icon Select an icon to appear with the address and phone number. Link Add a URL that selecting the item will send the visitor to.

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/templates/elixir/particle_location.md
Score 70.0

Elixir: Location Pins Particle

Example: 3608 Oakmound Road. Phone Add a phone number for your busines. Example: 773-248-4838 Icon Select an icon to appear with the address and phone number. Link Add a URL that selecting the item will send the visitor to.

Grav Documentation /docs/grav/themes/elixir/particle_location.md
Score 70.0

Elixir: Location Pins Particle

Example: 3608 Oakmound Road. Phone Add a phone number for your busines. Example: 773-248-4838 Icon Select an icon to appear with the address and phone number. Link Add a URL that selecting the item will send the visitor to.

Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/elixir/particle_location.md
Score 67.4

Alerion: Recreating the Demo - Utility

[eventlocation no="2" name="/TECHNOEVENT" place1="East 27 Street and Campus Road," place2="Brooklyn, NY 11210" date1="Monday, April 1, 2013 at 1:00 PM" date2="Tuesday, April 30, 2013 at 4:00 PM"][/eventlocation] Here is a breakdown of options changes you will want to make to match the demo.

Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/alerion/demo_utility.md
Score 62.7

Good Laptops for Bloggers and Content Creators

You may work from a desktop at home, even a small one like a Mac mini, but you will need to have a laptop at your disposal if you wish to get work done on the road. Not just any laptop will work, either.

RocketTheme Articles /blog/reviews/160-good-laptops-for-bloggers-and-content-creators
Score 58.7

Entropy: Recreating the Demo - Bottom

="347" /> </div> </div> <div class="rt-demo-location"> <h3 class="fancy-text">Location:</h3> <div class="rt-demo-title"> The Brooklyn<br /> Conference Center </div> <div class="rt-demo-address"> East 27 Street and Campus Road

Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/entropy/demo_bottom.md