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Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/templates/salient/demo_extension.mdRocketTheme has teamed up with Freepik to bring you an incredibly cool set of free vector images featuring human pictograms you can use on your future projects. This set is absolutely free, and can be used commercially.
RocketTheme Articles /blog/design/106-free-mega-vector-pack-human-pictogramsStep 1: Download a Markdown Plugin There are two plugins that we've tested and know work pretty well. The first is Jetpack, a plugin bundle available for both WordPress.com and WordPress.org's free distribution.
Wordpress Articles /blog/wordpress/136-how-to-use-markdown-in-wordpressFor example, the PlusCaptcha plugin for WordPress is a popular, modern approach to human testing that isn’t overtly intrusive on the user experience.
Wordpress Joomla Articles /blog/team/159-stop-contact-form-spam-on-wordpress-and-joomla-with-recaptchaWe should understand that human beings, in our most pure essence, are creatures dominated by our emotions. These emotions decide our actions and, at the end of the day, account for conversions obtained.
RocketTheme Articles /blog/reviews/198-achieve-maximum-conversions-by-transmitting-emotionsGantry 5 just celebrated its first birthday, and there are more reasons than ever to use Gantry 5 for your next website.
Grav Joomla Wordpress Articles /blog/team/225-gantry-5-turns-one-the-best-framework-just-keeps-getting-betterAdd Additional Security Via Plugins Captcha, simple puzzles, and other human-authentication methods are recommended in the login process.
Wordpress Articles /blog/wordpress/154-how-to-make-wordpress-more-secureThis is the same team that created Gantry 5. This enabled us to build a seamless user experience at both the CMS and theme level. Grav and Gantry 5 share the same basic code base and a seamless administrator UI.
Grav Articles /blog/team/237-introducing-rockettheme-new-grav-theme-clubOnce you have clicked and dragged the Gantry Social Buttons widget in place, you will want to add your various social URLs to their respective fields. Once this is done, simply hit Save and check the site.
Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/spectral/demo_social.md