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Score 58.7

Gantry 5: Beta 3 Released

Gantry 5: Rethinking How Positions Work in Joomla Gantry 5: Meet the Menu Editor Gantry 5: Powerful New Font, Color, and Icon Pickers Gantry 5: Joomla Beta Released Gantry 5: Joomla Beta 2 Released

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Joomla Articles /blog/team/183-gantry-5-beta-3-released
Score 58.7

Gantry 5: Beta 4 Released

Gantry 5: Rethinking How Positions Work in Joomla Gantry 5: Meet the Menu Editor Gantry 5: Powerful New Font, Color, and Icon Pickers Gantry 5: Joomla Beta Released Gantry 5: Joomla Beta 2 Released Gantry 5: Joomla Beta 3 Released

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Joomla Articles /blog/team/184-gantry-5-beta-4-released
Score 55.8

All Gantry 5 RocketLaunchers Now Converted to Joomla 5

We are excited to announce that RocketTheme has successfully completed the conversion of all our Gantry 5 RocketLaunchers to the Joomla 5 platform! All 46 of our RocketLauncher templates are now available for download, bundled with Joomla 5, providing a seamless experience for our users.

Joomla Articles /blog/joomla/283-all-gantry-5-rocketlaunchers-now-converted-to-joomla-5
Score 54.9

Gantry 5 Beta Coming to WordPress

Coming Soon RocketTheme is planning to start rolling out WordPress support through Gantry 5's CI builds soon, as well as native WordPress support for the free Hydrogen theme, so you can try out Gantry 5 for yourself.

Wordpress Joomla Articles /blog/team/193-gantry-5-beta-coming-to-wordpress
Score 51.8

Xenon: Recreating the Demo - Extension Section

'11', '12' Series Data [12, 9, 7, 8, 5, 4, 6, 2, 3, 3, 4, 6], [4, 5, 3, 7, 3, 5, 5, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5], [5, 3, 4, 5, 6, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6, 3, 4] Chartist (Particle) 2 The Chartist particle is a Gantry 5 Particle module placed within the extension-b module position.

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/templates/xenon/demo_extension.md
Score 51.6

Callisto Featuring Gantry 5 for WordPress Released

Gantry 5 is a complete ground-up rewrite of the Gantry framework, utilizing a powerful set of modern tools that make website theming easier than ever. With version 5.1.0, Gantry 5 now includes support for the popular WordPress content management system (CMS).

Wordpress Articles /blog/wordpress/196-callisto-featuring-gantry-5-for-wordpress-released
Score 50.2

Xenon: Recreating the Demo - Footer Section

Introduction Info List (Particle) [5%, 1%, se] Info List (Particle) [5%, 25%, se] Custom HTML (Particle) [5%, 50%, se] Newsletter (Particle) [5%, 75%, se] The Footer section includes four particles assigned to the footer-a, footer-b, footer-c, and footer-d module positions.

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/templates/xenon/demo_footer.md
Score 49.7


Powered by Gantry 5, Photon is extremely easy to configure with limitless versatility. New to Gantry 5? If you are new to Gantry 5, a good place to start would be our dedicated Gantry documentation.

Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/photon/
Score 49.5

Photon: Recreating the Demo - Showcase Section

Name Gantry 5 Framework Item 1 Icon fa fa-cog Item 1 Icon Color Accent Color 1 Item 1 Description Blank Item 1 Link Blank

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/templates/photon/demo_showcase.md
Score 49.5

Salient: Recreating the Demo - Slideshow Section

Setting CSS ID Blank CSS Classes Blank Variations No Padding Tag Attributes Blank Block Size 100% Assigned Module(s) Gantry 5 Particle (Animated Block) 1 We added a Animated Block particle to the slideshow-a-below position.

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/templates/salient/demo_slideshow.md