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Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/extensions/roksprocket/filters.mdWhat we decided was to incorporate some of the most critical requests and enhancements into the next version to be called Gantry 4 and push back our more ambitious but less urgent plans into the following release, Gantry 5.
Joomla Wordpress Articles /blog/team/58-responsive-design-rockettheme-part1This problem is even more apparent to mobile users, about 18% of which back out of a webpage if it fails to load within 5 seconds, and have about a 50% drop rate at the 6-10 second mark. If your site is suffering from slow load times, don’t panic.
Wordpress Joomla Articles /blog/team/169-website-speed-improvement-tipsYou can install various caching plugins available with WordPress like WP Super Cache, W3 Total Cache, or the premium plugin WP Rocket onto your website. Each one of these plugins will help you reduce the web server load time so that your website gets loaded faster.
Wordpress Articles /blog/wordpress/240-wordpress-guide-for-reducing-bounce-rateSet up super strong login credentials This one is quite basic. The first thing to pursue while strengthening your website's security is to choose strong login credentials. The default Username for your WordPress admin dashboard login is ‘admin'.
Wordpress Articles /blog/wordpress/270-strengthening-the-admin-area-of-wordpressTo Sum Up: If you follow the above mentioned steps, we are very sure that this detailed guide will help you engage the right audience for your super valuable WordPress website.
Wordpress Articles /blog/wordpress/250-a-complete-guide-to-creating-a-wordpress-email-marketing-campaignOur current Gantry 4 framework is the latest version of the original Gantry framework that we developed and open sourced 5 years ago.
Grav Joomla Wordpress Magento Phpbb Articles /blog/team/163-rockettheme-s-10th-anniversary-interview-with-andy-millerGoogle Search The official Google Search app really is a great goto application that has fast voice search, and also comes with the super-handy "Google Now" for location-aware information Google Maps Although I also keep the Apple maps handy, Google Maps is just better and more reliable, so this is
RocketTheme Articles /blog/reviews/117-iphone-app-recommendationsSince we started using HipChat in 2010 we've sent nearly 1 million messages via the service! Other solutions come close, but none provide the raft of features of HipChat for the price, I can't recommend it enough!
RocketTheme Articles /blog/mac/38-essential-mac-apps-for-development-and-productivity