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Step 1: Download the Theme To install the theme, you only need one file: Ricochet Theme (rt_ricochet_m.zip) This file is the theme package you will use to install your theme in Magento.
Magento Documentation /docs/magento/themes/ricochet/[5%, 10%, se] Custom HTML 2 [5%, 52%, se] Custom HTML 3 [30%, 10%, se] Custom HTML 4 [38%, 10%, se] Custom HTML 5 [38%, 38%, se] Custom HTML 6 [38%, 65%, se] Custom HTML 7 [56%, 10%, se] Custom HTML 8 [56%, 38%, se] Custom HTML 9 [56%, 65%, se] Custom HTML 10 [76%, 10%, se] Custom HTML 11 [76%, 38%,
Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/templates/callisto/ourteam.md[5%, 10%, se] Custom HTML 2 [5%, 52%, se] Custom HTML 3 [30%, 10%, se] Custom HTML 4 [38%, 10%, se] Custom HTML 5 [38%, 38%, se] Custom HTML 6 [38%, 65%, se] Custom HTML 7 [56%, 10%, se] Custom HTML 8 [56%, 38%, se] Custom HTML 9 [56%, 65%, se] Custom HTML 10 [76%, 10%, se] Custom HTML 11 [76%, 38%,
Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/callisto/ourteam.mdOption Setting Theme Default Display Limit ∞ Label Text Preview Length 12 Arrow Navigation Show Animation Slide and Fade Autoplay Disable Autoplay Delay 5 Image Resize Disable You can set the RokSprocket filters to include any category, specific
Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/g4lexicon/demo_contentbottom.mdIntroduction Some words used in our template's frontend are set via the language file for that template. Other commonly modified statements (such as the copyright, Scroll To Top, and Login Panel) are set within Gantry and can be changed through the backend without accessing any files directly. Below, we will outline the two primary methods for changing custom language strings on our template's frontend...
Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/basic/how_to_edit_template_text.md//Number - Pixel width of dataset stroke datasetStrokeWidth : 6, //Boolean - Whether to fill the dataset with a colour datasetFill : true, } //Get the context of the canvas element we want to select
Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/templates/acacia/demo_module_4.mdStep 1: Download the Theme To install the theme, you only need one file: Affinity Theme (rt_affinity_m.zip) This file is the theme package you will use to install your theme in Magento.
Magento Documentation /docs/magento/themes/affinity/Step 1: Download the Theme To install the theme, you only need one file: Anacron Theme (rt_anacron_m.zip) This file is the theme package you will use to install your theme in Magento.
Magento Documentation /docs/magento/themes/anacron/Step 1: Download the Theme To install the theme, you only need one file: Clarion Theme (rt_clarion_m.zip) This file is the theme package you will use to install your theme in Magento.
Magento Documentation /docs/magento/themes/clarion/Step 1: Download the Theme To install the theme, you only need one file: Halcyon Theme (rt_halcyon_m.zip) This file is the theme package you will use to install your theme in Magento.
Magento Documentation /docs/magento/themes/halcyon/