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Icon Select an icon to appear in the item. Circle Number Enter a number to appear in the circle. Item Title Enter a title for the item to appear on the front end. Description Enter a text/HTML description for the item.
Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/lexicon/particle_iconlist.mdIntroduction The Icon Promo particle creates a simple, attractive icon and headline for your site.
Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/orion/particle_iconpromo.mdNext to the Link field in the Slice Editor you will notice a new chain icon which will bring up the Article Picker popup.
RocketTheme Articles /blog/extensions/65-rokgallery-2You will find the particle settings used in this particle below: Particle Settings Option Setting CSS Classes Blank Target Self Icon Menu Item 1 Name Home Icon Menu Item 1 Icon fa fa-home fa-fw Icon Menu Item 1 Text Blank Icon Menu Item 1 link Custom
Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/templates/requiem/demo_navigation.mdOption Setting CSS Classes Blank Target Self Item 1 Name Home Item 1 Icon fa fa-home fa-fw Item 1 Text Blank Item 1 Link Blank Block Settings Option Setting CSS ID Blank CSS Classes mainnav-left Variations Blank Tag Attributes
Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/requiem/demo_navigation.mdMenu Item 1 Title <span class="hidden-tablet">Customize from the </span>Styles Panel Icon Menu Item 1 Icon Blank Icon Menu Item 1 Image Custom Icon Menu Item 1 RokBox Image Custom Icon Menu Item 1 Caption Style Panel Icon Menu Item 1 SubTitle Blank Icon
Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/kraken/demo_mainbar.mdIcon Menu Item 1 Text Firefox Icon Menu Item 1 SubText v. 40+ Icon Menu Item 1 Link # Icon Menu Item 1 Target New Window Gantry 5 Particle (Grid Content) 2 We added a Grid Content particle to the aside position.
Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/templates/kraken/demo_mainbar.mdGantry 5: Rethinking How Positions Work in Joomla Gantry 5: Meet the Menu Editor Gantry 5: Powerful New Font, Color, and Icon Pickers Gantry 5: Joomla Beta Released Gantry 5: Joomla Beta 2 Released Gantry 5: Joomla Beta 3 Released Gantry 5: Joomla Beta 4 Released
Gantry 5: Rethinking How Positions Work in Joomla Gantry 5: Meet the Menu Editor Gantry 5: Powerful New Font, Color, and Icon Pickers Gantry 5: Joomla Beta Released Gantry 5: Joomla Beta 2 Released Gantry 5: Joomla Beta 3 Released
Gantry Menu The Gantry Menu widget should be set to match your site's main menu as it serves as the primary menu widget for the entire site. You can customize this menu by navigating to Administration -> Appearance -> Menus and creating or modifying your selected menu there.
Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/osmosis/demo_sidepanel.md