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Score 39.6

RokGallery: Widget Guide

Sort By: This option sets the default sorting order for images in the gallery. Sort Direction: You can choose to have items sorted in ascending or descending order based on the Sort By setting. Slice Limit You can set the limit of slices which appear in the gallery.

Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/plugins/rokgallery/rokgallery_widget.md
Score 33.8

Five Tips for an Aspiring Freelance Web Developer

It can also spare you the headaches involved with creating brand new components from scratch, which will take away from the time you can spend sorting out the client's specific needs. Not every developer is also a designer, and vise-versa.

RocketTheme Articles /blog/team/122-five-tips-for-an-aspiring-freelance-web-developer
Score 31.7

Magento 1.4 Development Cookbook Review

Chapter 5 focuses on products, explaining how to set up your catalog, add shipping rates, add configurable products etc.

Magento Articles /blog/reviews/69-magento-development-cookbook-review
Score 31.2

RokSprocket: Layout Modes

Since items are not pulled from an existing source, you can arrange them to meet your individual preferences with the option to allow visitors to activate random sorting.

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/extensions/roksprocket/layout_modes.md