Your Guide to Using the RokWeather Module for Joomla
RokWeather is a highly configurable module that allows you to control the various aspects of its appearance and functions. Not only is this module configurable in the backend, but you can double-click the location from the frontend and change it without having to access the administrator account at all. This is a small, but useful function that users can take advantage of.
Sources: Choose between Yahoo or Wunderground. For Wunderground, you will need to sign up to their API and enter their reference in the API key field:
Default Location: Enter a location that will have its weather data displayed by default. For example, the default option is Golden, CO.
Some locations may return as invalid, although available on the respective sources due to limitations in their APIs, not RokWeather.
Location Display Override: This option allows you display weather data for one location whilst displaying a label for another, such as using a nearby city's weather data but displaying the name of your own town.
Forecast Items to Show: This setting determines how many days ahead the module will display a forecast for. This only works if Enable Weather Forecasts is turned on under General Settings.
Default Degree Type: Choose between degree Celsius or Fahrenheit for the default temperature reading.
User interaction: This parameter allows to disable user interaction so they cannot change the location and weather data.
Enable Units Switch: This option allows you to configure whether the Celsius/Fahrenheit switch is displayed.
Enable Location Cookie: A cookie is created when a user enters a location which will be stored for when the user visits again. This option allows you to disable the setting of a cookie, and therefore, the default location will be shown on each refresh.
Enable Icon Display: Determine whether or not the weather icon displays in the top left of the module.
Enable Humidity Display: An option to display humidity for the selected location.
Enable Wind Display: An option to display wind data for the selected location.
Default Windspeed Type: Determine what units to display for wind speed, either MPH, KPH or KTS.
Enable Weather Forecasts: Enable the display of forecast weather data.
Module Class Suffix: A suffix applied to the CSS class of the module. This allows for individual module styling.
Caching: Selects whether or not to cache the content of this module.
Cache Time: Sets the time between module recaching.
Module Tag: Sets the HTML tag for the module.
Bootstrap Size: Specifies how many columns the module will use.
Header Tag: Sets the HTML tag for the module header/title.
Header Class: Sets the CSS class for the module header/title.
Module Style: Allows for an override of the template style for its position.