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Notio: FAQ

Your Guide to Using the Notio Template for Joomla

Is Notio compatible for Joomla 1.5 or 2.5?

No, Notio is only compatible with Joomla 3.4+.

What is Gantry?

Gantry is, as a basic definition, a framework used for assembling, building and maintaining a RocketTheme template. It is an advanced platform for dramatically extending the capabilities of the entire theming system of Joomla.

Can I install RocketLauncher onto an existing Joomla! website?

No. RocketLauncher will install both Joomla and the demo sample content and images, so you will need a fresh Joomla! installation.

I installed Notio RocketLauncher but the images are different with the demo site.

To avoid image license copyright issues, all sample content images shown in our demo site will be replaced with blank versions in the RocketLauncher version.

How to I Switch between Full Width and Standard Layout Styles?

Notio is extremely versatile, and you can switch between the standard layout (featured in our demo and RocketLauncher by default) or a Full Width one that hugs the edges of your browser. To do so, simply do the following:

  • Navigate to the Global Page Settings by going to Administrator > Base Outline > Page Settings or to the Page Settings tab in a single outline you'd like to apply full width styling to.
  • Enter fullwidth in the Body Classes field within the Body Attributes area of the page.
  • Select the Save Page Settings button.

This will apply full width styling either as a global default (Base Outline) or to pages assigned to a specific outline.

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