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Notio: Newsletter Particle

Your Guide to Recreating Elements of the Notio Demo for Joomla


The Newsletter particle enables users to sign up for your newsletter. It is powered by Feedburner.

Here are the topics covered in this guide:


Main Options

Option Description
CSS Classes Set the CSS class(es) you would like to have apply at the particle level.
Width Choose between Full Width and Compact.
Layout Choose between several layout types. Options include: Stack Fullwidth, Stack Compact, Aside Wrap, and Aside Compact.
Style You can choose between Square and Round style types.
Title Add a title to your particle that will appear on the front end.
Heading Text An extra line for text.
Side Text Enables you to add text that appears on the side.
InputBox Text Enter text you wish to appear in the input box users will enter their email address in.
Button Icon Choose a Font Awesome icon to use in the subscribe button.
Button Text Add text to your submit button.
Feedburner URI Enter the URI for your newsletter from Feedburner.
Button Classes Enable CSS class(es) in your submit button.

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