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Callisto: Recreating the Demo - Pricing Page

Your Guide to Recreating Elements of the Callisto Demo for WordPress


The Pricing example page demonstrates how you can create a beautiful page with the Callisto theme. Here is some information to help you replicate this page as it appears in the demo.

Any Custom HTML particles are available and set in the Layout Manager, not as Text widgets.

Layout Manager

Layout Manager

This is a look at the Layout Manager for the Callisto - Pages - Pricing outline. We have detailed the various particles represented here in the sections below.

Widgets and Particles

Below is a brief rundown of the widgets and particles used to make up the demo page.

Header - Logo
Header - Icon Menu
Navigation - Menu
Navigation - Social
Showcase - Custom HTML
Mainbar - Custom HTML
Mainbar - Custom HTML
Mainbar - Custom HTML
Mainbar - Custom HTML
Mainbar - Custom HTML
Mainbar - Custom HTML
Mainbar - Content List
Mainbar - Info List
Mainbar - Info List
Mainbar - Info List
Extension - Custom HTML
Footer - Custom HTML
Footer - Newsletter
Footer - Custom HTML - Copyright
Copyright - Copyright
  1. Header
  2. Navigation
  3. Showcase
  4. Mainbar
  5. Extension
  6. Footer
  7. Copyright

Header Section

Logo (Particle)
Icon Menu (Particle)

The Header section is made up of a position and two particles set in two rows. The first row hosts the System Messages position which remains invisible unless a system message is being displayed to the visitor.

In the second row, we have a Logo particle and an Icon Menu particle which make up the visual body of this area of the site. Settings used in our demo for each of these particles can be found below.

Logo (Particle)

Particle Settings

Field Setting
Particle Name Logo
URL Blank
Image Custom
Text Callisto
CSS Classes g-logo

Block Settings

Field Setting
CSS ID Blank
CSS Classes g-logo-block
Variations Blank
Tag Attributes Blank
Block Size 56%

Icon Menu (Particle)

Particle Settings

Field Setting
CSS Classes Blank
Target Self
Icon Menu Item 1 Title Features
Icon Menu Item 1 Icon fa fa-diamond
Icon Menu Item 1 Text Features
Icon Menu Item 1 Link #
Icon Menu Item 2 Title Gantry 5
Icon Menu Item 2 Icon fa fa-rocket
Icon Menu Item 2 Text Gantry 5
Icon Menu Item 2 Link #
Icon Menu Item 3 Title Addons
Icon Menu Item 3 Icon fa fa-gear
Icon Menu Item 3 Text Addons
Icon Menu Item 3 Link #
Icon Menu Item 4 Title Download
Icon Menu Item 4 Icon fa fa-download
Icon Menu Item 4 Text Download
Icon Menu Item 4 Link #

Block Settings

Field Setting
CSS ID Blank
CSS Classes flush
Variations Blank
Tag Attributes Blank
Block Size 44%

Navigation Section

Menu (Particle)

The Navigation section is made up of two particles. The first is a Menu particle which displays a CMS-sourced menu which can be enhanced through Gantry's Menu Editor. The second particle in the section is the Social particle, displaying social links.

Settings used in our demo for each of these particles can be found below.

Menu (Particle)

Particle Settings

Field Setting
Particle Name Menu
Base Path /
Menu Custom
Start Level 1
Max Levels 0

Block Settings

Field Setting
CSS ID Blank
CSS Classes g-menu-block
Variations Blank
Tag Attributes Blank
Block Size 80%

Social (Particle)

Particle Settings

Field Setting
Title Social
CSS Classes social-items
Social Items Features
Social Item 1 Title Twitter
Social Item 1 Icon fa fa-twitter fa-fw
Social Item 1 Text Blank
Social Item 1 Link http://twitter.com/rockettheme
Social Item 2 Title Facebook
Social Item 2 Icon fa fa-facebook fa-fw
Social Item 2 Text Blank
Social Item 2 Link http://facebook.com/rockettheme
Social Item 3 Title Google
Social Item 3 Icon fa fa-google fa-fw
Social Item 3 Text Blank
Social Item 3 Link http://plus.google.com/+rockettheme
Social Item 4 Title RSS
Social Item 4 Icon fa fa-rss fa-fw
Social Item 4 Text Blank
Social Item 4 Link http://www.rockettheme.com/product-updates?rss

Block Settings

Field Setting
CSS ID Blank
CSS Classes Blank
Variations Blank
Tag Attributes Blank
Block Size 20%

Showcase Section

The Showcase section contains a single Custom HTML particle. Settings used in our demo for this particle can be found below.

Custom HTML (Particle)

Particle Settings

Field Setting
Particle Name Awesome Plans

Custom HTML

<div class="g-layercontent g-layercontent-small">
    <h2 class="g-layercontent-title">Awesome Plans</h2>
    <div class="g-layercontent-subtitle">Choose the Plan That Suits Your Needs</div>

Block Settings

Field Setting
CSS ID Blank
CSS Classes flush, center
Variations Blank
Tag Attributes Blank
Block Size 100%

Mainbar Section

Custom HTML 1
Custom HTML 2
Custom HTML 3
Custom HTML 4
Info List 1
Info List 2

The Mainbar section itself renders as 100% of the page width as there are no particles or positions assigned to the Sidebar section. With this in mind, the Mainbar section is set to 67% width and the Sidebar section to 33%.

Settings used in our demo for each of these particles can be found below.

Custom HTML 1 (Particle)

Particle Settings

Field Setting
Particle Name Basic

Custom HTML

<ul class="g-pricingtable">
    <li class="g-pricingtable-title">Basic</li>
    <li class="g-pricingtable-price">$28</li>
    <li class="g-pricingtable-desc">Globally incubate standards compliant channels</li>
    <li class="g-pricingtable-item">5GB Storage</li>
    <li class="g-pricingtable-item">10 Users</li>
    <li class="g-pricingtable-item">20 Emails</li>
    <li class="g-pricingtable-item">Online Store</li>
    <li class="g-pricingtable-item">Custom Domain</li>
    <li class="g-pricingtable-item">Unlimited Departments</li>
    <li class="g-pricingtable-cta"><a href="http://www.rockettheme.com/wordpress/themes/callisto" class="button button-3">Sign Up</a></li>

Block Settings

Field Setting
CSS ID Blank
CSS Classes Blank
Variations Blank
Tag Attributes Blank
Block Size 33.3333%

Custom HTML 2 (Particle)

Particle Settings

Field Setting
Particle Name Standard

Custom HTML

<ul class="g-pricingtable">
    <li class="g-pricingtable-title">Standard</li>
    <li class="g-pricingtable-price">$58</li>
    <li class="g-pricingtable-desc">Globally incubate standards compliant channels</li>
    <li class="g-pricingtable-item">5GB Storage</li>
    <li class="g-pricingtable-item">10 Users</li>
    <li class="g-pricingtable-item">20 Emails</li>
    <li class="g-pricingtable-item">Online Store</li>
    <li class="g-pricingtable-item">Custom Domain</li>
    <li class="g-pricingtable-item">Unlimited Departments</li>
    <li class="g-pricingtable-cta"><a href="http://www.rockettheme.com/wordpress/themes/callisto" class="button button-3">Sign Up</a></li>

Block Settings

Field Setting
CSS ID Blank
CSS Classes Blank
Variations Blank
Tag Attributes Blank
Block Size 33.3333%

Custom HTML 3 (Particle)

Particle Settings

Field Setting
Particle Name Pro

Custom HTML

<ul class="g-pricingtable">
    <li class="g-pricingtable-title">Pro</li>
    <li class="g-pricingtable-price">$88</li>
    <li class="g-pricingtable-desc">Globally incubate standards compliant channels</li>
    <li class="g-pricingtable-item">5GB Storage</li>
    <li class="g-pricingtable-item">10 Users</li>
    <li class="g-pricingtable-item">20 Emails</li>
    <li class="g-pricingtable-item">Online Store</li>
    <li class="g-pricingtable-item">Custom Domain</li>
    <li class="g-pricingtable-item">Unlimited Departments</li>
    <li class="g-pricingtable-cta"><a href="http://www.rockettheme.com/wordpress/themes/callisto" class="button button-3">Sign Up</a></li>

Block Settings

Field Setting
CSS ID Blank
CSS Classes Blank
Variations Blank
Tag Attributes Blank
Block Size 33.3333%

Custom HTML 4 (Particle)

Particle Settings

Field Setting
Particle Name Try it Out

Custom HTML

<h2 class="g-title">Try it Out for 10 Days Free</h2>
    <li>All plans come with awesome support by email and phone. There is no hidden fee!</li>
    <li>Free <strong>10 days trial</strong> on all plans. No credit card needed! Need a bigger plan? <a href="http://www.rockettheme.com/wordpress/themes/callisto">View Professional Plan</a>.</li>

Block Settings

Field Setting
CSS ID Blank
CSS Classes Blank
Variations Box 3, Rounded
Tag Attributes Blank
Block Size 100%

Info List 1 (Particle)

Particle Settings

Field Setting
Particle Name Common
CSS Classes Blank
Title Common Queries and Questions
Info Lists Item 1 Title 1. What prices are our services?
Info Lists Item 1 Link #
Info Lists Item 1 Description Proactively envisioned multimedia based expertise and cross-media growth strategies. Seamlessly visualize quality intellectual capital without superior collaboration and idea-sharing.
Info Lists Item 2 Title 2. What is our refund policy?
Info Lists Item 2 Link #
Info Lists Item 2 Description Proactively envisioned multimedia based expertise and cross-media growth strategies. Seamlessly visualize quality intellectual capital without superior collaboration and idea-sharing.
Info Lists Item 3 Title 3. What payment methods do we accept?
Info Lists Item 3 Link #
Info Lists Item 3 Description Proactively envisioned multimedia based expertise and cross-media growth strategies. Seamlessly visualize quality intellectual capital without superior collaboration and idea-sharing.

Block Settings

Field Setting
CSS ID Blank
CSS Classes Blank
Variations Blank
Tag Attributes Blank
Block Size 50%

Info List 2 (Particle)

Particle Settings

Field Setting
Particle Name Common Cont.
CSS Classes Blank
Title &nbsp;
Info Lists Item 1 Title 4. What delivery options do we offer?
Info Lists Item 1 Link #
Info Lists Item 1 Description Proactively envisioned multimedia based expertise and cross-media growth strategies. Seamlessly visualize quality intellectual capital without superior collaboration and idea-sharing.
Info Lists Item 2 Title 5. What support options are available?
Info Lists Item 2 Link #
Info Lists Item 2 Description Proactively envisioned multimedia based expertise and cross-media growth strategies. Seamlessly visualize quality intellectual capital without superior collaboration and idea-sharing.
Info Lists Item 3 Title 6. What additional services are available?
Info Lists Item 3 Link #
Info Lists Item 3 Description Proactively envisioned multimedia based expertise and cross-media growth strategies. Seamlessly visualize quality intellectual capital without superior collaboration and idea-sharing.

Block Settings

Field Setting
CSS ID Blank
CSS Classes Blank
Variations Blank
Tag Attributes Blank
Block Size 50%

Extension Section

The Extension section contains a single Custom HTML particle. Settings used in our demo for this particle can be found below.

Custom HTML (Particle)

Particle Settings

Field Setting
Particle Name No Hidden Fees

Custom HTML

<div class="g-layercontent">
    <h2 class="g-layercontent-title">No Hidden Fees</h2>
    <div class="g-layercontent-subtitle">No Credit Card Required and No Long-Term Contracts</div>
    <a href="#" class="button button-2">Sign Up</a>

Block Settings

Field Setting
CSS ID Blank
CSS Classes flush, center
Variations Box 1
Tag Attributes Blank
Block Size 100%

Footer Section

Custom HTML 1
Custom HTML 2

The Footer section is made up of three particles in a single row. This includes a Newsletter particle surrounded by two Custom HTML particles.

Settings used in our demo for each of these particles can be found below.

Custom HTML 1 (Particle)

Particle Settings

Field Setting
Particle Name About Callisto

Custom HTML

<h2 class="g-title">About Callisto</h2>

<p>All demo content is for sample purposes only, intended to represent a live site.</p>

<p>The sample pages are intended to show how Callisto can be constructed on your site.</p>

Block Settings

Field Setting
CSS ID Blank
CSS Classes Blank
Variations Blank
Tag Attributes Blank
Block Size 33.3333333333%

Newsletter (Particle)

Particle Settings

Field Setting
Particle Name Newsletter
CSS Classes Blank
Title Newsletter
Feedburner URI rocketthemeblog

Heading Text

Subscribe to our newsletter and stay updated on the latest developments and special offers!

Block Settings

Field Setting
CSS ID Blank
CSS Classes flush, center
Variations Box 1
Tag Attributes Blank
Block Size 33.3333666666%

Custom HTML 2 (Particle)

Particle Settings

Field Setting
Particle Name Simple Sitemap

Custom HTML

<h2 class="g-title">Sample Sitemap</h2>

<div class="g-grid">
    <div class="g-block">
        <ul class="nomarginall noliststyle">
            <li><a href="#">Home</a></li>
            <li><a href="#">Features</a></li>
            <li><a href="#">Typography</a></li>
            <li><a href="#">Particles</a></li>
            <li><a href="#">Variations</a></li>
    <div class="g-block">
        <ul class="nomarginall noliststyle">
            <li><a href="#">Buttons</a></li>
            <li><a href="#">Pages</a></li>
            <li><a href="#">Guide</a></li>
            <li><a href="#">Support</a></li>
            <li><a href="#">Download</a></li>

Block Settings

Field Setting
CSS ID Blank
CSS Classes flush, center
Variations Box 1
Tag Attributes Blank
Block Size 33.3333%

Copyright Section

The Copyright section contains a single Copyright particle. Settings used in our demo for this particle can be found below.

Custom HTML (Particle)

Particle Settings

Field Setting
Particle Name Copyright
Start Year 2007
End Year Now
Copyright Owner RocketTheme, LLC

Block Settings

Field Setting
CSS ID Blank
CSS Classes center
Variations Blank
Tag Attributes Blank
Block Size 100%

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