Your Guide to Recreating Elements of the Diametric Theme for WordPress
Here is the widget breakdown for the Footer section:
The Text widget in the section is pretty simple and straightforward. You will need to enter the following in the main text field.
<span class="paneltitle">Latest Pictures</span>
<span class="panelsubtitle">Powered by RokGallery</span>
Here is a breakdown of options changes you will want to make to match the demo.
nomarginbottom nopaddingbottom
in the Custom Variations field.This RokGallery widget utilizes RokBox to display images in a way that does not distract from the visual elements of the theme. RokBox is required for this feature to work.
Here is a breakdown of the widget options:
Option | Setting |
Link Type | Link to RokBox Full Image |
Show Title | No |
Show Caption | No |
Sort By | Order |
Sort Direction | Ascending |
Slice Limit | 10 |
Gallery Style | Dark |
Gallery Layout | Grid Layout |
Grid Columns | 5 |
Custom Variations | nopaddingall nomargintop |
This will create the widget, but you will need to actually build the gallery using RokGallery. We go into detail on how to use RokGallery in our official guide.