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Topaz: Recreating the Demo - Showcase Section

Your Guide to Recreating Elements of the Topaz Demo for WordPress


Grid Statistic (Particle)
Custom HTML (Particle)
WordPress Posts (Particle)

The Showcase area of the page is made up of three columned sections wrapped in a Container. Showcase Left and Showcase Right do not appear on the front end as they have no assigned content. However, there are Showcase A and Showcase B widget positions in the Showcase Main section which contain three different particles: Grid Statistic, Custom HTML, and WordPress Posts.

Here is a breakdown of the widget(s) and particle(s) that appear in these sections:


Option Setting
Layout Remove Container
CSS Classes Blank
Tag Attributes Blank

The container wrapping the Showcase sections enables the three sections to exist within a single horizontal space.

Showcase Main

The Showcase Main section hosts the Grid Statistic, Custom HTML, and WordPress Posts particles on the front page. You will find the settings used in the section below.

Section Settings

Option Setting
CSS Classes fp-showcase
Tag Attributes Blank

Section Block Settings

Option Setting
CSS ID Blank
CSS Classes g-middle-column
Variations Blank
Tag Attributes Blank
Fixed Size Checked
Block Size 70%

Showcase A (Widget Position)

Particle Settings

Option Setting
Key showcase-a
Chrome gantry
Block Settings

Option Setting
CSS ID Blank
CSS Classes fp-showcase-left
Variations Centered Title
Tag Attributes Blank
Fixed Size Unchecked
Block Size 30%
Grid Statistic (Particle)

The Grid Statistic particle is assigned to the Showcase A widget position. This is done by creating a Gantry 5 Particle widget and assigning it to the showcase-a position, then selecting Grid Statistic as the Particle in the widget's settings. You will find its settings below.

Option Setting
CSS Classes Blank
Title Blank
Description Blank
Readmore Text Blank
Readmore Link Blank
Readmore Style Button 3
Footer Description Blank
Grid Column 1 Column
Item 1 Name New item
Item 1 Static Number 32
Item 1 Icon fa fa-newspaper-o
Item 1 Statistic Text New Articles
Custom HTML (Particle)demo_showcase_10

The Custom HTML particle is assigned to the Showcase A widget position. This is done by creating a Gantry 5 Particle widget and assigning it to the showcase-a position, then selecting Custom HTML as the Particle in the widget's settings. You will find its settings below.

Option Setting
Process Twig Unchecked
Process Shortcodes Unchecked
   <li><a href="#">category</a></li>
   <li><a href="#">art</a></li>
   <li><a href="#">architecture</a></li>
   <li><a href="#">entenrpreneurship</a></li>
   <li><a href="#">history</a></li>
   <li><a href="#">design</a></li>
   <li><a href="#">culture</a></li>
   <li><a href="#">daily</a></li>

Showcase B (Widget Position)

Particle Settings

Option Setting
Key showcase-b
Chrome gantry
Block Settings

Option Setting
CSS ID Blank
CSS Classes fp-showcase-right
Variations Centered Title
Tag Attributes Blank
Fixed Size Unchecked
Block Size 70%
WordPress Posts (Particle)

The WordPress Posts particle is assigned to the Showcase B widget position. This is done by creating a Gantry 5 Particle widget and assigning it to the showcase-b position, then selecting WordPress Posts as the Particle in the widget's settings. You will find its settings below.

Option Setting
Categories Blog
Featured Articles Include Featured
Number of Articles 3
Number of Columns 1
Start From 0
Order By Published Date
Ordering Direction Ascending
Image Show
Title Show
Title Limit Blank
Date Hide
Date Format Weekday, Month Date, Year
Author Hide
Category Show with Link
Hits Hide
Article Text Introduction
Text Limit Blank
Text Formatting Plain Text
Read More Hide
Read More Label Blank
Button CSS Classes Blank
CSS Classes Blank
Tag Attributes Blank

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