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NEW: Pro Submissions Forum

    • Didzi's Avatar
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    Re: NEW: Pro Submissions Forum

    Posted 17 years 8 months ago
    • It sounds like a good idea, but I think it will make the non Pro members feel like they are missing out on mods/tweaks and possibly support for the templates, that would have normally been posted in a non Pro section of the forum
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    Re: NEW: Pro Submissions Forum

    Posted 17 years 8 months ago
    • Didzi wrote:
      It sounds like a good idea, but I think it will make the non Pro members feel like they are missing out on mods/tweaks and possibly support for the templates, that would have normally been posted in a non Pro section of the forum

      That's a good point. I'll that I can say is that I won't post anything to the pro submissions area that I would have otherwise posted to the member's submissions area.
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  • Re: NEW: Pro Submissions Forum

    Posted 17 years 8 months ago
    • Matthew wrote:
      That's a good point. I'll that I can say is that I won't post anything to the pro submissions area that I would have otherwise posted to the member's submissions area.

      That sums up the Pro's Submission Board really. Anything that would have been posted in the Members Submission board, still will but the stuff in the Pro's Submission Board would not have been released anyway so theres no real change to the Members Submission board.
    • James Spencer / Developer & Support / Hull, UK
    • Dan L's Avatar
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    Re: NEW: Pro Submissions Forum

    Posted 17 years 8 months ago
    • Wow, really surprised at some of the negativity to this.

      It's not a "clan" or a "get one over on the normal members", why not add a little extra benefit for a pro membership? If it creates a surge of creativity, brilliant. If it generates more pro sales to support RTTC, even better. In my view it makes the pro membership that little bit sweeter...nowt wrong with that.
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  • Re: NEW: Pro Submissions Forum

    Posted 17 years 8 months ago
    • Voila! it looks like every thing about this pro thing is going really out of order. That is a brilliant idea, which if not reconsidered may end in some rather major P for the community.

      The idea that members (or may be promembers) should submit customise template as bonuses for the club is a fantastic idea.

      I have and still have only one problem with this stuff, its that litt 'pro' that comes before it all.
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  • Re: NEW: Pro Submissions Forum

    Posted 17 years 8 months ago
    • Why not?

      I was one of the ones who helped come up with the idea of the board, and pushed for it to be made.


      Because as said above we have ideas, or code, or mods we come up with that we don't want to give to every man and his dog to plaster on their mums webpage.

      If we did not have a board specifically for it, we would just be doing it on the normal pro lounge board, or through PM's anyway, all this does is make it easier to track for us.

      We DO NOT get special Andy attention, it's used by the pro users simply to organise our submissions, that we don't want to be made public.

      I think you guys have the wrong idea.

      We are also using it to organise group projects which WILL get released to the public.

      As another person said above, anything we would normally release to the public, will still be released to the public, so you are missing out on nothing you weren't already missing. It just gives us a little more room to move with things that we would otherwise never have released at all because we don't want them all over the net.

      The pros will still contribute to the public forums. Andy and co will still support the public in exactly the same fashion as always, with no changes or extra support for pros. The pro lounge just got a new room added to it. That is all.

      I don't get the commotion. :-[ ??? ???

      You guys don't lose anything. We just get some space to work on things that we would never have done otherwise.

      What is up with this 'If you don't share it with me you can't share it with anyone' attitude?

      Edited to remove poorly phrased sentence that was apparently offensive to some members. I apologise for it.
    • Last Edit: 17 years 8 months ago by Daniel Chapman.
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  • Re: NEW: Pro Submissions Forum

    Posted 17 years 8 months ago
    • Livingstone wrote:
      I'll rather suggest that in such a case rather than taging it as pro-submission is should be considered as some p2p stuff, with copyright limits. and again that is of no help because it still has to be customised before use.

      What we ask here is that this should be open to all members of the public, should be run as a project, customised files remain on the site, and the finish project (template customised) treated as any other joomla extension on the forge.

      Incidently what you are proposing here could easily be done with the existing public submissions forums.

      If you are so worried about missing out on something start a project yourself using your guidelines.

      Why haven't you done so already if it's so important to you?
    • www.ninjoomla.com - The Ninjoomla Open Source Extension Club
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  • Re: NEW: Pro Submissions Forum

    Posted 17 years 8 months ago
    • What must be appreciated is the following.

      The pro Members do pay some 4x the amount for membership, which gives right basically to use on more sites.

      Also The material which are being shared are personally owned by their creators, If I changed layouts, etc etc, I don't work for free. Web design is my bread and butter thus why I became a pro member, and paid the price.

      There is talk about making stuff avail to public, well if you are on the board Id say you paid some type of membership!?
      There is already a submissions board here and I can say that it gets submitted to a whole lot more than the pro sections board.

      Also this is member to member sharing, as Danial re itterated very well.

      It is not special extras from RT and the Andy team, it is pros sharing with pros! and thus in all honesty we paid the price to be able to knock around with the Pros, the fringe benifits are warrented.

      It is after all the pros and other commited RT members that help etc free of charge here on the forums.

      If you really feel hard done by...JOIN AS A PRO MEMBER!! do your self favour...(been said before but I bet there are 100's here using more than their license allows of templates on sites!!!)

      If you Join soon, before Dave Gee gets back he has been working out his hands in ready to give out the feet masages! :)
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  • Re: NEW: Pro Submissions Forum

    Posted 17 years 8 months ago
    • If you Join soon, before Dave Gee gets back he has been working out his hands in ready to give out the feet masages!

      Dave see you and your hands soon I hope. :o (don't get lost forever in second life.....) ( a future toon perhaps..... :o )
      I'm a few months off from upping to pro level. Plenty of time to chill the champagne, work out those hands, whip up a few great hors'deurves. I will bring the prime ribbing.

      The porpoise of this post was to remind some of you to lighten up! This is not the Rockettheme GNU/GPL template club......Read your membership terms or pay attention next time you install one of these beautiful, glorious templates on a site.
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    • Dan L's Avatar
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    Re: NEW: Pro Submissions Forum

    Posted 17 years 8 months ago

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