First I have to apologize to everyone, because I reacted on an quite an
old reply from Andy
(Fri Jan 04, 2008 3:52 am) and apparently missed about 3 other pages with replies
I still think we must go with the flow and adapt to modern tools and technologies though. I'm in the IT business for almost 30 years and was probably among one of the first to make use of the Internet when it came available in the Netherlands. So I have seen and worked with many tools available. I have also always disliked the ongoing discussions between supporters and opponents of old and new school technologies, tools and applications. Issues like: emacs is better than vi, Linux is better than Windows, Java is better than .NET, divs are better than tables etc. One should always try to use the best available tool for the job at hand and I don't think IRC is the best means of communication these days. Let's leave the 'everything was better in the old days' attitude to the elderly.
Why not put up a simple chat component off of, takes almost no time, then haggle over the extensive pro's and con's of ideology and stances of software, history, old/new school and blah, blah, blah.
This may be "Rocket Theme" but this isn't rocket science - it is a simple chat component. Unless I am unaware of certain matters to hosting a chat component (I am still a newbie, okay, a step up from a newbie)
1. Is it a security risk?
2. Is the concern monitoring?
3. Is it a control thing - as people have different privileges. (that would mean two distinct chat rooms to avoid template questions being asked by non-club members)
4. Is it fear of people like me being set free in an open chat room? That I could understand...I'd be afraid of me too.
I am tempted to say I'd throw up a temporary one for free on my hosting.
- no adverts (except maybe RT Ads)
- no taking away from RT (RT team can have full access to the cpanel and admin on site)
- no long term (as I am offering a short term solution unless it actually works out for RT Team and RT Members and also me. :cheesy: )
Actually I don't want RT to think I am deluding their name or brand or service or product, but - they offered up user submissions of templates and extensions and well, it only enhanced their growth.
I am sure a big huge WHOPPING disclaimer stating this is temporary and blah, blah, blah would work.
But then a simple social chat at this point would suffice too, while RT worked out the kinks of a full featured chat.
Hmm, does this mean they will have to open another template club - entitled Chat Templates by RocketTheme?
By the way I was just ranting, but a temp chat would be nice. Just go to and on the main menu - hit extensions. I am sure you will fine a simple one in there. :cheesy:
"You can learn a lot from a dummy. So, pay attention to yourself." Quote by me.