myhavcom wrote:
Guess I have to post back here, not sure where else to ask. Roeland, how will I know when the bugfixed version of Mynxx is out? Looks like the latest was released in May, so should I just keep checking back and the newest version should have the bugfix you're talking about?
Also, could you suggest a file comparison tool?
Mynxx RocketLauncher
Uploaded: 31.03.09 Modified:14.10.10 File Size:12 MB Version:1.5.7
I cannot tell you when the latest fixes will be released, (I am a moderator, not part of the dev team) but I know that the present version has only one bug, and it is when enabling the mootools 1.2.4 plugin. In any case, I would not wait for that fix, since using mootools 1.2.4 with virtuemart may give you other problems. Virtuemart itself is not supporting mootools 1.2.4, unless you have well ddeveloped javascript skills and wish to rewrite parts of the javascript contained in virtuemart itself.
But, that is just my opinion, maybe it is smart to just test and see for yourself, use a test site and see what issues you run into. Then you can get some ideas of what the problems are that you run into.
You may have most issues in virtuemart backend.
I hope that explains it a bit.
Furthermore, on the file comparison tool, I use beyond compare.
Whenever a fix for mynxx is released and you want to make sure your theme and the elements of the theme are up to date, you just compare the files.
You can run an automatic comparison of all the files, then you can see the files that are different and where needed update these.