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  • Re: Tiny-MCE

    Posted 13 years 6 months ago
    • Silmearendil wrote:
      Looking at the source for both Tiny and JCE, I am seeing no difference in line height, therefore I must not be understanding what you are saying as it seems to me the problem must be in CSS. My only problem with JCE is how long it takes to load.
      Have you tried creating two articles with same content, one with tinymce, the other with jce? You could do so and compare on different tabs...if you get the exact same result, maybe it's something else messing it up for me...
    • You can call me George
      J2.5.8, Panacea v1.6.6 - www.eks-ik.eu
      J2.5.8, Syndicate 1.6.5

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