The quality of service, from the point of view of "Time to answer" of Rockettheme support team have been decreased since three month ago, more or less, as I said in a private message sent through "contact us" option around that time.
At that time, you publish an advice looking for new personal to belong the support team I guess, because somebody was fired, resigned or simply your workload grew .
Anyway, I recommend you it is better if you send a massive message to all customers explaining more in detail what are the support team problems that do not let you give a answer in expected time by the customers, in order to avoid discomfort of the customers and expend time every time a customer send you a message complaining the service.
In that way I think at less the frustration level customer will decrease.
As a "customer" here's the steps I go through. In fact I have an issue right now that I'm following this process.
• Diligently search the forums for answers
• Wait 24 hours to see if anyone "view" your issue
• Wait 48 hours for a response.
• Start posting the same issue in a new location.
I'm certain the mod's won't like this final approach but it's tough to get an answer in a timely fashion. In addition we are required to become better stewards of our work and technical capability so I would expect that as our status improves and we've been a paying customer for an extended period of time that we would get noticed more frequently. Sort of triage. But I see no such improvement coming with our time-in-grade.