I am using the rt_clarion theme in Joomla! I also am using the RokGallery component.
I have an article and a RokGallery module displaying as a slideshow on a number of menu item pages. I would like to make the pictures in the slideshow 600x400, float that to the right, and have the text of the article wrap to the left of the image (total width of text and slideshow is 910px), and wrap below it if the text goes long. How can I get the text of the article to wrap around the slideshow from RokGallery?
Thank you very much–that seemed to work. But it looks like the arrows are missing on the slideshow. Any idea how I can get those back?
Also, I am new to editing slices. Why do you say that they should be 460px wide? Would I have to edit each image to make the slice that wide, or is there a faster way, like making a change in the gallery settings?
Please disable all caching and compression until this issue is resolved. (e.g.Joomla, caching, RokBooster or RokGzipper plugins or the Gantry Gzipper or the Less compiler in the "Advanced" tab of template manager and any 3rd party caching extensions).
Thanks for the reply. It's odd that the arrows show up on the homepage where the images are 910x500, but not on the pages where the rokgallery module is inserted in an article, where the images are 600x400. Any idea why?
I saw that there were updates available for RokGallery, so I updated, but now there are weird dots showing up above and below the slideshows on each page. What is going on, and how can I get rid of them?