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New to Gantry5 - Page building

  • New to Gantry5 - Page building

    Posted 4 years 9 months ago
    • I have not been able to find any basic tutorials showing step-by-step how to build a Home page using Gantry5. Any videos available? The only ones I've seen are overviews of features. Thanks
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    Re: New to Gantry5 - Page building

    Posted 4 years 9 months ago
    • http://docs.gantry.org/ our docs include videos. It just a case of creating an outline, assign it to your menu item and drag and drop the particles onto the layout of your outline.

      Regards, Mark.
    • Last Edit: 4 years 9 months ago by MrT.
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  • Re: New to Gantry5 - Page building

    Posted 4 years 9 months ago
    • MrT; thanks for the reply. I did look at those videos and your instructions, which don't cover what I am asking. I am looking for a more fundamental understanding of how to start a page. I can not even replace or see where the demo home page exists - the "edit' for the home page shows something completely different. - can you point me to some step by step instructions? I understand WP, but this is a bit different.
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    Re: New to Gantry5 - Page building

    Posted 4 years 9 months ago
    • Make sure that you start with the rocketlauncher package as this will give you an exact replica of the demo.

      Each of our themes has comprehensive documentation that tells you exactly how to recreate everything that you see in the demo. You didn't state what theme you are tryin gto use so I can't point you at the appropriate documentation. But fundamentally they're all managed in much the same way.

      1. log in to WP.
      2. Go to Gantry 5 admin (click on "theme name" in left hand bar in WP)
      3. Change outline to ("home" outline - top left dropdown).
      4. Click on "layout" tab.
      5. Click on any particle who's settings you wish to change, then edit to your needs.
      6. SAVE.

      Here's the docs for "Elixir" theme https://rockettheme.com/docs/wordpress/themes/elixir/demo.md and here's a short video of me changing a couple of things in Elixir https://www.screencast.com/t/A4WQYzc7CgtI

      Regards, Mark.
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  • Re: New to Gantry5 - Page building

    Posted 4 years 9 months ago
    • Mark; Thank you for the information and the video; I am starting to understand the process. The Framework replaces the standard WP page editing method, so we make all edite within the theme.

      When I creating content on the pages; I see that most of the homepage elements are done using 'Custom HTML' Particles and there is no obvious way to choose or modify class or headline styles.

      Am I missing some way to specify styles within a text particle?

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    Re: New to Gantry5 - Page building

    Posted 4 years 9 months ago
    • If you could tell me what theme you're actually using I might be able to help further.

      Please would you post your URL, admin id and pswd in the secure tab of your post and I'll have a look for you.

      Regards, Mark.
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  • Re: New to Gantry5 - Page building

    Posted 4 years 9 months ago
    • Mark;

      I am using Gantry 5 with the Helium theme. I may change the theme if I find a better one, but I assume the Ganty process is the same. Any suggestions welcome.

      The site I am working on is dev.hushabyenursery.org. I am really just testing small parts at this time; the owl carosel images will change (can we use Revolution Slider plug in with Gantry?) I will be transfering the info from www.Hushabyenursery.org , so you can see the amount of content that needs to be entered. I was looking for the proper method of entering large amounts of text using the built-in CSS styling, but did not see anywhere to access the attributes and defined classes - I am sure I am missing a fundemental understanding of the process.

      Thanks for the continued help and guidence.

      Info in secure tab.
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    Re: New to Gantry5 - Page building

    Posted 4 years 9 months ago
    • If you use the RT commercial templates (for which you already have a subscription) you will get a lot more particles and they're much easier to configure and change content. As you've chosen "helium" (which is free) then the whole template is a lot simpler. So, yes, it uses a lot more "customhtml" particle with just plain code in the content. It's straightforward to change the classes used on that content, just change the class name in the code. If you want to add your own classes then you can by adding the definitions of those classes in a custom CSS file.

      To create a custom CSS compatible with Gantry 5 please read this http://docs.gantry.org/gantry5/tutorials/adding-a-custom-style-sheet .

      Remember to recompile CSS from base outline too.

      If you want to restyle our classes then you do that in the same file too.

      Classes, IDs, and block variations can be added on the "block" tab of particle settings too. We provide a number of standard block variation and they appear in a dropdown list when you click on the box - their naming belies what they actually do "e.g. Box1, no margin, no padding, etc). Block variations are also shown on the "block variations" page of the demo and rocketlauncher. Other useful classes are shown on the "typography" page of the demo.

      For large amount of text you would probably use WP posts, but you can also use "contentcubes" and "contenttabs" too. As I said, the commercial templates offer a great deal more choice. The stand "p" and "h1-h6" tags are already styled by the template (and again in more ways in the commercial templates) but yuou can srestyle them with your own custom CSS too.

      Yes you can use third-party plugins for content if they're a widget. Just create a widget positions on the layout of your outline and then assign the widget to that position.

      Regards, Mark.
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  • Re: New to Gantry5 - Page building

    Posted 4 years 9 months ago
    • Mark;

      I have been swinging away at the template and picking up some of the logic on the home page so far. If I understand correctly; we do not use the page editing area of WP - it is all done in the Theme area. Are all the pages I need to create done in the Outlines area; will there be an outline for each page? I am yet unclear on this part.

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    Re: New to Gantry5 - Page building

    Posted 4 years 9 months ago
    • There are some use cases where you may create "pages" in WP and also create "posts" in WP and both can be shown using Gantry 5. In Gantry 5 there are many ways of "building pages" and it's up to you to decide which meets your requirement. For example, you can just use one outline to display all of the content pages of your site if that outline layout does not have page specific content (i.e mainly consts of widget positions into which you assign widgets on appearance > widgets). Or you can go the other extreme and have one outline for every page of your site (which makes things far easier to understand but could give you a lot of outlines to maintain). Fortunately Gantry 5 also has another feature called "inheritance" which means that you can still share aspects of your outline layout with other outlines and therefore maintain it only once (typically this would be for "common" parts of your page such as header, logo, menu, footer, copyright, etc).

      I encourage you to read the Gantry 5 docs on inheritance.

      Regards, Mark.
    • The following users have thanked you: Jim Burke

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