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SOLVED Late to the party.... PHP8 looming (Gantry4 > Gantry5 migration)

  • SOLVED Late to the party.... PHP8 looming (Gantry4 > Gantry5 migration)

    Posted 2 years 3 months ago
    • OK, way behind on things - have been running a J3.10 website just fine on Gantry 4 template. (PHP7.4)

      Finally testing PHP8 on a Dev server, and fixing various 500 errors as they show up ( temporary measures).

      on PHP8 I get this one "Error: 0 - Attempt to modify property "params" on null" on a couple of menu items, so far it's a bit obscure, but I hope to find a workaround. Have actually seen that error message very rarely (unreproducible!) on a forum extension since PHP7 or thereabouts.

      ANYWAY, is there any hope of a clean and simple workflow to upgrade our Joomla3 site without having to reconfigure an entire new template?
      Currently the site is running on RT_ximenia version 1.1

      "simple" would be something like:

      1) DEV server...
      2) change to (default) Protostar template
      3) Remove Gantry4
      4) Install Gantry5
      5) Install RT_ximenia "Gantry5" version ( if exists?) - or something extremely similar!
      6) Configure template as needed - and save/export template configuration data
      7) LIVE SERVER: site offline...
      8) steps 2-5 above
      9) import the saved template configuration data
      10) Live server back online!!

      IS that sort of process possible? If NOT, what aprooach should I use?

      Thanks In Advance!!
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    Re: SOLVED Late to the party.... PHP8 looming (Gantry4 > Gantry5 migration)

    Posted 2 years 3 months ago
    • Your just a tad later than me.. and I have 80 to do...

      I rebuild the site look and layout on a new templete with ganrty 5..
      I move the images over to the dev site.. then I use daycounts migrator.. to bring over. content, users, articles, and menus... pretty amazing plugin..they call it a VM migrator but that's an add on..

      then I upload it to their C-panel .. make a few edits.. and it's done..

      I did them all that way back in 2022 when we lost 2.5.. but i was able to use the same templete. this time RT didn't have the same ones for J4 and G5

      I only use the migrator if my clients have a lot of articles.. to maintain the same article and url ID.. if not I just remake them and use redirects..
    • Last Edit: 2 years 3 months ago by Rod.
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    Re: SOLVED Late to the party.... PHP8 looming (Gantry4 > Gantry5 migration)

    Posted 2 years 3 months ago
    • Please note that by the other member answering your post it took you out of the MODS "unanswered posts" queue and you therefore had to wait longer for an RT response.

      First understand that Gantry 4, its templates, and the old RT "rok" extensions do not work with Joomla 4 or with PHP 8. Only G5 and its templates work with PHP 8 and Joomla 4.

      There is no "migration" path from a g4 to g5 site - you effectively have to start over as the workflows are very different. There are tools to move articles/menu items, and you can just clone your site and install g5 on that and remove g4 but you will still have a lot of work to do.

      I'd actually suggest that you get familiar with Gantry 5 first using a rocketlauncher installation and editing that (even if just a test site) before you attempt to move your production sites to Gantry 5.



      Regards, Mark.
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  • Re: SOLVED Late to the party.... PHP8 looming (Gantry4 > Gantry5 migration)

    Posted 2 years 3 months ago
    • Thanks very much for the clarification! Moving forward, we'll be rebuilding the site with a new template (We need a new blog extension too, as the one we've been using all these years quietly sun-downed two years ago, and we didn't notice since they left their joomla extensions updater xml link for it up - so it looked like it was getting checked for updates all this time but just didnt need any!). Live&Learn...

      We are not using a lot of advanced functionality from the Gantry4, and I was able to solve the one gantry-related problem, ( "Error: 0 - Attempt to modify property "params" on null") so the entire website actually does work fine now running under PHP8...

      In /var/www/[redacted]/html/plugins/system/gantry/overrides/3.3/2.5/com_content/category/
      I made the following changes to default_articles.php :

      Line 17:
      $params = &$this->item->params;

      $params = null;
      if (property_exists($this,"item")){ $params = &$this->item->params; }

      That little fix made the Error go away.
      (To get our whole site functional on PHP8 I did have to fix half a dozen other things unrelated to Gantry - lots of little things; Javascript files, JSON punctuation - actually a few different punctuation fixes!)
    • Last Edit: 2 years 3 months ago by Michael Walker.

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