Re: SOLVED joomla 2.5 Blank administrator backend after login
Posted 10 years 4 months ago
I don't think this issue is anything RT related. I believe it is environmental so it's really you host that needs to help you to resolve this. I don't think I'd glean anymore from your cPanel.
It might shed some more light on what the issue might be.
Regards, Mark.
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Re: SOLVED joomla 2.5 Blank administrator backend after login
Posted 10 years 4 months ago
I just spent 40m with them no luck they say its the website problem and the servier is ok i dont know what to do
there is any why i can copy all the website to a new one ?
Re: SOLVED joomla 2.5 Blank administrator backend after login
Posted 10 years 4 months ago
To do a backup properly you would need to be able to get into backend (which you can't). So the only other thing you'll have to try is backing up the database through cPanel/phpmyadmin and downloading the directory of files too and trying to reconstruct the site locally.
If your host is being this unhelpful I really would suggest that you change host.
If you look up the PEAR error you will see it is environmental. The other errors are associated with JCE editor, acesef, and joomla itself - none are related to RT products.
Regards, Mark.
Please search forums before posting. Please make sure your post includes the version of the CMS you are using and a link to the problem. Annotations on screenshots can also be helpful to explain problems/goals. Please use the "secure" tab for confidential information.
Re: SOLVED joomla 2.5 Blank administrator backend after login
Posted 10 years 4 months ago
Hi all i just want to update you how i fixed the error:
1.Download new Rocket Launcher (your template) & and open the zip file to a new folder at your server
Note: you can do it without Rocket Launcher with fresh joomla MAKE SURE ITS THE SAME V 2.5 3 3.4 etc.
2.Dont install the new joomla!
3.Create new database
4.Copy the old the database to the new one
5.Copy (components, images, language (optional), libraries (not sure), media, modules, plugins, configuration.php, .htaccess) from you old joomla folder to the new one
6. Edit configuration.php:
public $user = 'NEW DATA USER';
public $password = 'NEW PASSWORD';
public $db = 'NEW DATA';
public $live_site = 'NEW SUBDOMAIN ADDRESS';
7.Delete joomla installation folder from new folder
8.Login to administrator
9.If all working like it was working for me there is some Components will need to be reinstall (but all data will be saved) so just reinstall DONT REMOVE AND INSTALL JUST REINSTALL LOL
10.Point your main domain to new folder (or just change old folder and new folder name)
11.Edit configuration.php:
public $live_site = 'Main Domain';
That what i did and my site is back to work like allways