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Hmm...I wonder what the RocketTheme team has been up to?

    • damo's Avatar
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    Re: Hmm...I wonder what the RocketTheme team has been up to?

    Posted 16 years 4 weeks ago
    • i'm putting my money on an updated sporticus

      basically a new news portal type site
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  • Re: Hmm...I wonder what the RocketTheme team has been up to?

    Posted 16 years 4 weeks ago
  • Re: Hmm...I wonder what the RocketTheme team has been up to?

    Posted 16 years 4 weeks ago
    • I really hope it's a news portal one, lean and clean.
      A certain other template house has one which looks good on the surface but underneath is a worthless heap of junk.
      (I maintain membership of that place just to keep an eye on the opposition ;))
    • Peadar's Avatar
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    Re: Hmm...I wonder what the RocketTheme team has been up to?

    Posted 16 years 4 weeks ago
    • Hey Team, why not release the template early, then you can have the rest of the weekend off - you've all earned a well deserved break !
  • Re: Hmm...I wonder what the RocketTheme team has been up to?

    Posted 16 years 4 weeks ago
  • Re: Hmm...I wonder what the RocketTheme team has been up to?

    Posted 16 years 4 weeks ago
    • 5942marine wrote:
      Yeah, take the weekand off guys, I agree with Peadar!!!

      Weekends? What are these ...Week....Ends? ??? :D
    • James Spencer / Developer & Support / Hull, UK
  • Re: Hmm...I wonder what the RocketTheme team has been up to?

    Posted 16 years 4 weeks ago
    • 5942marine wrote:
      A sport type template would be nice. Lets put Sporticus on steroids :)

    • Rocket Theme Rokker
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  • Re: Hmm...I wonder what the RocketTheme team has been up to?

    Posted 16 years 3 weeks ago
    • Christos DiCos wrote:
      5942marine wrote:
      A sport type template would be nice. Lets put Sporticus on steroids :)


      Sportex is a copyright protected name : www.ockert.net/main/index.php?id=640,817,0,0,1,0
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    Re: Hmm...I wonder what the RocketTheme team has been up to?

    Posted 16 years 3 weeks ago
    • Sorry folks, VM strikes this time...

      /* prays he isn't wrong again like the last 3 times he predicted this */
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    • Terp's Avatar
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    Re: Hmm...I wonder what the RocketTheme team has been up to?

    Posted 16 years 3 weeks ago
    • Given the attention-to-detail for RT, how could it be anything other than a news/political site of the garden variety red, white, and blue scheme to celebrate the 4th of July and the birth of America? :)

      This is a no-brainer.

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