Thanks again everyone, this is truly a great theme (thanks RocketTheme) and I am constantly amazed with the versatility of the Joomla CMS. Our team consisted of two--myself and Bill--and we were able to get things up and running in less than two months. I worked on all of the design and CSS aspects while Bill worked with the PHP/MySQL stuff (I dabbled in PHP coming up with the newsflash customization and found myself very impressed with the ease of use of the code and library).
Robby - we've tried all of the obvious fixes and none seem to work. I have noticed that even Adobe's own website has the same issue with Linux.
Another bug we're working on is that we have to embed all flash as objects instead of using javascript. There is some sort of conflict somewhere that is causing the javascript to crap out on Safari and IE6.
Another bug we have fixed with the IE png .htc file was that if in the configuration.php file, the $mosConfig_live_site = is set to "
" if a user browses to "" without the "www" the png .htc fix would not load (until another page is served by $mosConfig_live_site).
To solve this issue, in the root index.php file, we put the following code in after line 12 (remember, we're running on IIS at the moment, once the Apache is installed, we'll use .htaccess to solve this)"
//IE Redirect
if (strpos($ua,'MSIE') != false && strpos($ua,'Opera') === false)
if (substr($ua,strpos($ua,'MSIE')+5,1) < 7)
if ($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] == '') {
This uses an http re-direct for IE6(-) only to re-direct users to "
" instead of "". Crappy work-around as the page loads twice--but hey, if you're using IE6, that's your problem
Skeeter, add the CSS moduletable-advert1nopad with padding: 0px to your template CSS and in the IE6 template, add the same (div.moduletable-advert1nopad) with a margin-bottom of -3px to solve the padding issue in IE6 at the bottom. Then, in your module under Module Class Suffix, just add -advert1nopad and bam! No padding.