Franck, thanks for your notes. I will look into that "contact" thing ASAP. As I mentioned before, though I have no control over the logo. I am not allowed to play with that.
You said:One of the Read More link disappear when I put the mouse on.
Can you tell me which one? The hover may need to be changed.
BenGalf... The site is in development, so constructive criticism is expected/wanted. See above re: logo.
The rest, thank you, I will be playing with a few of your ideas. The join thing I had on top - they wanted it behind, so there you have it.
Some things the client controls.... AARGH. That said, I will pass on a few of your notes, and perhaps they will let me go further with each stage/step. ;D
As I said, this is stage one at what will likely bee a year+ project to update their marketing overall, so there are many possibilities for moving forward.