I am just getting started in this business in fact I don't begin formal education until Jan But after a lifetime in the Army ya goota retrain on something. I have a Gaming community "site" Modern War Fighters under const. right now and am using replicant for most of the pages. I would very much appreciate outside feedback of any type and don't worry ya can't hurt my feelings. But ya can boost my ego, LOL,
, keep me posted and I will try to keep posting! See ya
While you are at "it" You could explain in detail (which I cannot find anywhere) how to change the pictue behind each page of the site. If that make sense. I am one of those 10 kinds of people and I am just learing "gobbly gook". That is why I have spent over 10K getting someone else to do it. Don't say it I have found out on my own ($). But I need help anywhere and everywhere I can get it to make my "vision" a reality.
I agree with the logo issue brought up earlier. It's a matter of personal choice and preference really. I doodled around in fireworks with an idea or two. Use it if you want.
The only other thing I see right now is the image-reflections in your Rok-Flow module don't look right. The reflection portion seems a bit bright. I think maybe if you reduced the opacity of the reflected portion and did a gradient mask, they would look allot better. But remember, this only recommendations and your opinion matters more than anyone's.
PS... If you decided to use the attached logo, just let me know about it. You will have to adjust your .css files to allow for the larger slice.
"Everyone has to get knocked-down every once-in-a-while, otherwise you'll never learn how to get-back-up!
" A quote attributed to my Grandpa Wagers