HardWork wrote:
Nick Norris, I am not quite there yet in terms of video on a live site, however I will be soon and I am not clear on what the vulnerability is regarding security. I use J! 1.5.1 and "DenVideo" Plugin to embed video in my articles. Is that going to be an issue when my site goes live? Please elaborate on issue and potential solution.
Depends on your Register Globals setting, not the fact that you have video. You should make sure Register Globals is off in your Joomla Configuration and you should modify the global.php file and turn it off in there as well. I don't understand the technicals behind it, but for some reason there have been compatibility issues with different components when Register Globals is set off, however if it is left on it allows for a website to get hacked easier.
I'm not a hacker, but I have read several articles about the Register Global on/off issue. Off is always better!