I think hive is good
check out my site on joomla1.5
I think mine is faster on 1.5 relative to 1.13 one
It looks fine to me better than media..one
hive rocks I say!!
I was checking out your website from the sticky post.
The link to the details was not working, so I took a look at the sourcecode, but I could not find the regular joomla code that identifies the template.
instead i found wordpress code in there.
The generator also show it as generated by wordpress.
Is the site update and now working on Wordpress or is it some plugin.
Please explain
Thank you
I think hive is good
check out my site on joomla1.5
I think mine is faster on 1.5 relative to 1.13 one
It looks fine to me better than media..one
hive rocks I say!!
WHOA!!!! am I too late here.
I just check the above site and its working on Drupal!!!!
I am totally confused now
Ok I found it out.
Preservationohio.org is not a Joomla site at all. It is a wordpress site
here is the theme used
and neither is doctors sites above in the comments
I think the moderates have to update the links in the website gallery