I remember the site in replicant, now it looks more clean and very beautifull
ok i have some suggestions. when the page loads it charge the black stile by default i prefear the withe but i know that the last page was black so i understand. it also charges colours that doesn fit (for me) into the poker imaginary
i have played with the colours and this is my result, i think it look perfet
Cheers for that Andre! Your right, it does look better. The only problem is that most of our poker tables including our Final Table are all red! And yes Terp I need to look at these overlays rather sharpish I reckon. I will have a go at one and see what pops up. Meanwhile, a question for you guys...
How would I insert a button for visitors to click to reset the theme to default? I want to insert a button on the control panel near the apply colours button. Ok we know that you just select the default colours from the drop down but Jo bloggs may not.
Thanks again for your input guys.
PS The site is designed for 1024x768 as 80% of my visitors use that resolution.