I'm having an issue with the banner ad next to the logo in IE on my site:
. In Firefox and Chrome it looks fine. In IE it looks like the attached image. Any ideas as to where I might have gone wrong with the banner config?
Sorry for the late reply, been so bussy these days. If this issue is only in i.e i guess you gotta add a style > position > absolute or something in the i.e css.
But i have no time to look into it now so the best would be to ask about this in a thread started in the main Solar Sentinel forum. I am shure of that the mod squad or somone else from the team will help you out asap
It must have been a great effort but the result is stupendous.
I'm working now in a Casinos Web site with the same template and if you do not care I need some tips on the following:
1) In the poker rooms reviews you have a "right Mod Inset" and a "right mod" that changes every time the poker room changes.
My question is: How do you do that? Do you create one "right Mod Inset" and one "right mod" for every poker room? Or in any way the content is placed inside the module dynamically?
2) which components you use to Directory of Resources, mini ad spot, banner rotation and seo ready links.? Are free or commercial?