I realy like your work
If I may add my 2 cents, I don't really like the background of the Rockstories, wich is not in harmony with the general design but it's just my point of view...
And maybe you can work on pictures with transparence (.png) (exemple for the "bioactive care")
Also, I don't know if it will be a pb but for exemple when I open the menu :"about lemon tree" / " shop & security " / "disclaimer" it seems to be really on the right side and under screen resolution of 1280 the appearence is not good and we can't reach the all menu....
@ Marc - I totally agree with you on the background on the rockstories it has been on my 'to do' list for some time I must get around to changing that.
The transparencies it is a big hassle, first we change the images frequently and it is pain staking to cut out the backgrounds so they are still sharp, suppliers never have good images to work with.
I will move the menu items you are the first to tell me of this, as we don't notice it on our mac screens. It makes sense completely cheers.
To see what a website looks like depending of the screen resolution, I use mozilla adds-on such as : window resizer (but it does not work with firefox 3.5.2) or web developper.
Also, if you don't have on your computer chrome, opera, safari... you can test your web site on every browers on that web site :
Hi, Marc, they don't really render that well, I was only asking as I believe we have a Safari issue and just wanted someone to confirm if we did or not.