Wednesday, I had a new 5mb DSL service installed. I have to tell you that I am addicted to this speed after only 3 days. Previously, I had a basic 700kb service because that was the max I could get with the antiquated phone system in our area. Luckily, the phone co. saw the light and realized that we were over-due for an equipment upgrade.
Man! What a difference!
Love the full-screen 1000k streaming videos and blazing-fast Vongo video downloads...
I may have to have an intervention after a couple of months of this!
"Everyone has to get knocked-down every once-in-a-while, otherwise you'll never learn how to get-back-up!
" A quote attributed to my Grandpa Wagers
I'm connected to a WISP and the service sucks. I get a dropped connection several times an hour, ranging from 10 seconds to 10 minutes and I constantly have uber high latency. They are the only broadband in town for now. Meh.
Supposed to be a 1meg connection but it's more like a .5 meg connection.
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