Dainis Michel wrote:
I kind of like the idea of a smaller unit, so I think I'll go with the Macbook, but I'm going to go and try them out today.
Here's a question: is Parallels really parallel, or is it just a new testing situation? What I mean is, if I install Parallels just to test IE, do I still need to test IE on a Windows machine?
Also, would CS2 work to edit the layered PNG RocketTheme templates?
What's the deal with those OEM software sites? I bought something from one of them once, and the CD came, the software worked, and I had no idea whether I was doing something illegal or legal. It felt legal. No idea.
Thanks for your responses and Happy New Year!
The best thing is to try them out before you buy
Parallels and/or VMware is as good as you get for testing IE on Windows. It is not perfect as you are still running Windows inside Leopard on a Mac but is pretty solid.
All versions of Fireworks will be able to process our sources to a certain degree. There are a few options in Fireworks CS3 that you won't have in CS2 which could be slightly limiting in the source, but only for minor details.
I do not know what OEM is? Do you mean you got your Adobe software from here? If so, I'd say that wasn't legal.