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Score 115.3

RocketTheme Site FAQ

How Can I Change my Avatar? Your forum avatar is linked to your RocketTheme.com profile. You can change it by navigating to your Forum Profile settings page by selecting your profile image at the top of any page on the RocketTheme site and clicking User Profile.

RocketTheme Documentation /docs/technical_tips/site/faq.md
Score 106.2

How to use

This is how you would achieve it: <a data-rokbox data-rokbox-album="My Product" data-rokbox-caption="Product Front View" href="/images/product1.jpg">Product 1</a> <a data-rokbox data-rokbox-album="My Product" data-rokbox-caption="Product Side View" href="/images/product2.jpg">Product

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/extensions/rokbox/how_to_use.md
Score 106.2

How to use

This is how you would achieve it: <a data-rokbox data-rokbox-album="My Product" data-rokbox-caption="Product Front View" href="http://(Your Site URL).com/images/product1.jpg">Product 1</a> <a data-rokbox data-rokbox-album="My Product" data-rokbox-caption="Product Side View" href="/http

Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/plugins/rokbox/how_to_use.md
Score 97.2

How to Build an Audience on Your Blog

Take the time to make the effort to interact with your audience. When someone comments on a video on YouTube, or posts their opinion of your site on your Facebook wall, it does not take any more than a few seconds to thank them or respond to their concerns.

RocketTheme Documentation /docs/technical_tips/blogging/how_to_build_an_audience.md
Score 95.8

How to Install phpBB

Step 1: Upload phpBB to Your Server The first thing you will need to do is download either phpBB or a RocketLauncher. We recommend downloading the latest version of either in order to take advantage of the most recent features available in the platform.

Phpbb Documentation /docs/phpbb/start/install.md
Score 90.8

How to Edit the Logo on a RocketTheme Template

Introduction Editing the logo on a RocketTheme template is fairly simple. There are two primary methods of getting the job done.

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/basic/how_to_edit_the_logo.md
Score 87.2

How to Create an Article

You can also modify the creation date (point 6) and set a specified publishing date(s) (point 7). The Article Options tab (point 1) gives you access to options that relate directly to how your article is displayed to visitors.

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/basic/how_to_create_an_article.md
Score 87.2

How to Manage Joomla Menus

The Status options (point 4) allow you to set whether this menu item is published, unpublished, or trashed. The Link field (point 5) gives you a link to the menu itself. The Menu Location options (point 6) set which menu this link is appearing within.

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/basic/menu_manager.md
Score 87.2

How to Identify Specific Modules

This may not appear if you are only logged in to the administrator side of the site. You may need to log in on the frontend, separately. Preview Module Positions Another helpful option would be to load the frontend URL with an appended ?tp=1. This will pull up a preview of the module positions.

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/basic/module_identification.md
Score 87.2

How to Set Up Taxes


Magento Documentation /docs/magento/basic/taxes.md