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Score 47.9

RokSprocket for WordPress Tips

You just need to input the data you wish to have displayed in the table in the RokSprocket item settings page. The same concept applies to just about any RokSprocket widget, each with its own set of points you can add your own content to.

Wordpress Joomla Articles /blog/wordpress/143-roksprocket-for-wordpress-tips
Score 44.3

RokGallery 2.0 has arrived

Select All files currently displayed The combination of Load All and Select All is extremely useful especially when in conjuction with filters applied.

RocketTheme Articles /blog/extensions/65-rokgallery-2
Score 42.2

Five Signs Your Site is Due for a Redesign

It Has Been 5+ Years Since Your Last Redesign Like anything in the world of design and style, websites age over time. Design principles shift rapidly, and in some cases, these shifts affect the way the site actually functions.

RocketTheme Articles /blog/design/195-five-signs-your-site-is-due-for-a-redesign
Score 38.4

Gantry 5 Beta Coming to WordPress

Coming Soon RocketTheme is planning to start rolling out WordPress support through Gantry 5's CI builds soon, as well as native WordPress support for the free Hydrogen theme, so you can try out Gantry 5 for yourself.

Wordpress Joomla Articles /blog/team/193-gantry-5-beta-coming-to-wordpress
Score 36.0

How to Use Markdown in WordPress

Step 1: Download a Markdown Plugin There are two plugins that we've tested and know work pretty well. The first is Jetpack, a plugin bundle available for both WordPress.com and WordPress.org's free distribution.

Wordpress Articles /blog/wordpress/136-how-to-use-markdown-in-wordpress
Score 36.0

RocketTheme Releases its First Gantry 5 Joomla Template

Gantry 5: Rethinking How Positions Work in Joomla Gantry 5: Meet the Menu Editor Gantry 5: Powerful New Font, Color, and Icon Pickers Gantry 5: Joomla Beta Released Gantry 5: Joomla Beta 2 Released Gantry 5: Joomla Beta 3 Released Gantry 5: Joomla Beta 4 Released Gantry 5 Coming to RocketTheme Joomla

Joomla Articles /blog/joomla/187-rockettheme-releases-its-first-gantry-5-joomla-template-callisto
Score 30.3

RokMiniEvents: Setup

Month Format: Sets the format by which months are displayed. Year Format: Sets the format by which the year is displayed. Time Format: Sets the format by which the time is displayed. Date Display: Sets the style of the date display. Show Year: This option allows you to show or hide the year.

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/extensions/rokminievents/rokminievents_use.md
Score 28.9

Five Tips to Help You Get Started with Joomla

If you want to have content displayed in a multitude of different ways, you can do that too. If all Else Fails, Check out the Documentation If playing around in the backend doesn't yield the results you're looking for, you can usually find the answer you need in documentation.

Joomla Wordpress Articles /blog/joomla/138-five-tips-to-help-you-get-started-with-joomla
Score 28.3

Versla: Owl Carousel Particle

This determines how the particle will look, and how content is displayed. Width Choose between Full Width and Compact to determine how content is displayed. In Animation Sets the animation type as content is brought in. fadeIn is a popular option.

Grav Documentation /docs/grav/themes/versla/particle_owl.md
Score 28.3

Versla: Owl Carousel Particle

This determines how the particle will look, and how content is displayed. Width Choose between Full Width and Compact to determine how content is displayed. In Animation Sets the animation type as content is brought in. fadeIn is a popular option.

Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/versla/particle_owl.md