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Showing 91 - 476 results of 100 total hits (0.009 seconds)
Score 35.4

Requiem: Owl Carousel Particle

In Animation Sets the animation type as content is brought in. fadeIn is a popular option. Out Animation Sets the animation type as content is removed on the front end. fadeOut is a popular option. Prev Next Enables a previous / next switcher on the front end.

Grav Documentation /docs/grav/themes/requiem/particle_owl.md
Score 35.4

Ethereal: Recreating the Demo

This is to allow our users to easily choose between starting with a home page built entirely with Gantry 5 particles, or with the popular RokSprocket modules many of them are used to.

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/templates/ethereal/demo.md
Score 35.4

Antares: Owl Carousel Particle

In Animation Sets the animation type as content is brought in. fadeIn is a popular option. Out Animation Sets the animation type as content is removed on the front end. fadeOut is a popular option. Prev Next Enables a previous / next switcher on the front end.

Grav Documentation /docs/grav/themes/antares/particle_owl.md
Score 35.4

Citadel: Owl Carousel Particle

In Animation Sets the animation type as content is brought in. fadeIn is a popular option. Out Animation Sets the animation type as content is removed on the front end. fadeOut is a popular option. Prev Next Enables a previous / next switcher on the front end.

Grav Documentation /docs/grav/themes/citadel/particle_owl.md
Score 35.4

Isotope: Owl Carousel Particle

In Animation Sets the animation type as content is brought in. fadeIn is a popular option. Out Animation Sets the animation type as content is removed on the front end. fadeOut is a popular option. Prev Next Enables a previous / next switcher on the front end.

Grav Documentation /docs/grav/themes/isotope/particle_owl.md
Score 35.4

Antares: Owl Carousel Particle

In Animation Sets the animation type as content is brought in. fadeIn is a popular option. Out Animation Sets the animation type as content is removed on the front end. fadeOut is a popular option. Prev Next Enables a previous / next switcher on the front end.

Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/antares/particle_owl.md
Score 35.4

Isotope: Owl Carousel Particle

In Animation Sets the animation type as content is brought in. fadeIn is a popular option. Out Animation Sets the animation type as content is removed on the front end. fadeOut is a popular option. Prev Next Enables a previous / next switcher on the front end.

Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/isotope/particle_owl.md
Score 35.4

Requiem: Owl Carousel Particle

In Animation Sets the animation type as content is brought in. fadeIn is a popular option. Out Animation Sets the animation type as content is removed on the front end. fadeOut is a popular option. Prev Next Enables a previous / next switcher on the front end.

Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/requiem/particle_owl.md
Score 34.8


Introduction RokComments is a complete rewrite of the ever-popular RokIntenseDebate plugin. We have added support for Disqus and JS-Kit, as well as the original IntenseDebate support.

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/extensions/rokcomments/
Score 34.8


Key Features Joomla 3.x Compatible Responsive Layout 6 Preset Styles 78 Module Positions 9 Styled and 25 Structural Module Suffixes RokSprocket Responsive Layout Integrated RokGallery Responsive Layout Styled Support for Responsive K2 Layout Powerful Gantry 4 Framework Custom Content Typography DropDown

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/templates/cerulean/