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Score 56.8

Tessellate: Recreating the Demo - FP Showcase B

child items</span></span></h6> <p class="smallmarginbottom hidden-tablet">Parent and subsequent child items are placed in different, configurable positions.

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/templates/tessellate/demo_module_5.md
Score 55.3

RokMage Mobile: Setup Guide

$count); } } } public function drawMenuItem($children, $level = 1) { $html = '<div class="itemMenu level' .

Magento Documentation /docs/magento/themes/rokmage_mobile/setup.md
Score 50.3

Audacity: Recreating the Demo - FP RokSprocket Features - Showcase

Details Option Setting Title FP RokSprocket Features - Showcase Show Title Hide Access Public Position maintop-a Status Published Content Provider Simple Type Features Filtered Article List Article 1 Option Setting Image Custom

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/templates/g4audacity/demo_module_6.md
Score 43.9


Menu Icons The side menu, when the fp-menu module suffix is applied, benefits from a selection of FontAwesome icons being applied to the parent menu items. The icons are custom configured in the CSS/LESS, and generate automatically for different items in sequential order.

Joomla Products /component/rokface/leviathan
Score 43.9


Branding Custom Copyright To-Top Scroller Load Transitions Mainbody and Content Toggle Basic RTL Support Page Suffix Support IE7 Redirect Page Technical Requirements and Support Gantry 4 Framework FF, Safari, Chrome, Opera, IE8+ HTML5, CSS3, LESS PHP 5.2.17+ (5.3+ recommended) WordPress 5.

Wordpress Products /component/rokface/leviathan
Score 43.0

Ricochet: Recreating the Demo - SideSlider

Article 1 Tab Label <span class="fa fa-file-text-o"></span> Description <h2 class="title"><a href="#">-about</a></h2> <h5>The SideSlider adds additional space for content outside of the main template area.

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/templates/ricochet/demo_sideslider.md
Score 43.0

Sirocco: Recreating the Demo - SideSlider

Simple Item 1 Tab Label <span class="fa fa-file-text-o"></span> Description <h2 class="title"><a href="#">-about</a></h2> <h5>The SideSlider adds additional space for content outside of the main template area.

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/templates/sirocco/demo_sideslider.md
Score 43.0

How to Set Up Store Categories in Magento

Is Anchor allows anything you put in a given subcategory to also appear in its parent category. So, for example, if you have a woman's t-shirt in the Women -> T-Shirt subcategory, it would appear under both Women and T-Shirt category listings.

Magento Documentation /docs/magento/basic/store_categories.md
Score 41.5

How to Create a Multilingual Site in Joomla

Setup Step 1: Install Additional Languages First thing that you should do is to install additional languages that will be used on the web site.

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/basic/how_to_create_a_multilingual_site.md
Score 41.0

RokBooster: Setup Guide

You can enter this information for a single file, or an entire folder by listing the name of the parent directory of the files you would like to have RokBooster ignore. For exmaple, if you want RokBooster to ignore every JS file in /jscripts, just type jscripts in the box.

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/extensions/rokbooster/rokbooster_use.md